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In this year, war falls and tragedy never ends till a group of people made truce with each other and swore that will not cause any commotion after this. Unfortunately, when the younger generation took over their seniors, they eventually and yet, recklessly, broke the Truce of Peace that their senior signed and agreed in the past.

More life was once again sacrificed. The North was the one who broke the truce. The South, on the other hand, is trying to make the people in their land feel safe and sound.

After 10 years later, a war was abrupt between the North and South. Bloated carcasses and blood was everywhere to be seen. It was a terrible sight to be seen. This was called the Vengeance War to everyone in the North and South. It was the most difficult time for every soul living in that place.

Because of the Vengeance War, the South decided to officially break the truce and and rename the place as Ioa, which means peace in their language. Ioa and the North will never cross the border line to the other side of the country and anything related in each country shall not be a problem to the other country.

That year, was 3034.


A decades later, something had happened.

"Jun, take a look at this," said Baek Hyun as he handed the binoculars to the leader, Jun Myun.

Jun Myun took over the binoculars and look into it. "It's the North." He cursed silently. "Chan Yeol, come with me. Baek Hyun, teleport us to the spot."

All if them nodded and in a speed of light, there they are. The border of the Vengeance War. The place where many and thousands of lives being spare without mercy.

The three of them ventured around the area, saying their sorrows to the dead bodies that weren't buried properly and worst, some bodies were just dead freshly. Blood were every where and the sight of the area is still disastrous.

"Stop! Why are you trespassing?" Baek Hyun spotted a moving figure and halted him with his Alice.

"Sorry. My things was being thrown from the North, which was my place, to Ioa."

"Zi Tao, don't waste time on them. I told you to give up on that ugly looking toy." The leader walked out from the dark.

"Toys....." Zi Tao started to have tears sparkling in his eyes, which suddenly grew into a hatred sight. "NO!! I demand to have my toy BACK!!"

"Kris Wu, after all this while, is this the little boy you picked and trained in these decades? Like a little child." Chan Yeol snorted.

"Baek Hyun, grab the toy and toss it to the panda. Chan Yeol, watch your temper!" Jun Myun ordered.

In a jiffy, Baek Hyun found the toy that he wanted and threw it to Zi Tao. He knew that Zi Tao was a lot more stronger after Kris found him. Most important, he knew Zi Tao was a two-faced monster that was trained to kill if he wasn't satisfied.

"You got what you want, so get off from Ioa's land!" Chan Yeol said with full hatred. He would never forget that his parents was dead in the war.

"Let's go, Zi Tao. These people are too arogant." Said Kris while shrugging his shoulders.

"Zi Tao, don't throw your toy that far next time." Jun Myun said without blinking. He had knew this was just a plot. An evil plot by the North leader, Kris Wu. Like an enemy spying on them.

The three of them remained there, watching them leave the place before they left the scene too.

Just as they were about to leave the Vengeance War, they saw her.

Under the Dance [EXO Fanfic] (return from hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now