Chapter III

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LuHan was searching for the voice that was on his mind. Mentally he asked his question through his mind.

Who are you? Where are you know? I want to meet you, please!

There was no response in the first place and LuHan was searching for the person in the crowds. Until there was a reply.

Who are you?! Get out of my mind!

She was mad. And LuHan just wanted an answer.

I just need to know why I hear your voice in my mind, that's all... Where are you?

She shut herself. She dare not speak or voice out and she just wanted to go home. She hated the feeling. It felt worst than being touch by a healer. She felt nauseous and ill.

Where are you?

"Han ge, let's go home now." Zi Tao started to moan terribly.

"... Let's go then." He gave up. But he swore he will be back to find her again.


Cho Eun was heading to the meat stall to buy the sirloin beef when out of the sudden, a nauseous wave hit her.

A feeling worse than being healed by Se Hun. Something unfamiliar in her world but yet she felt like she knew him.

He asked her questions but she just wanted to get over it. It's worsening her stats and she dislikes it terribly.

"Cho Eun....." She couldn't heard what the dragon was talking nor the butcher trying to convey his message. 

Get out of my mind!

She told the guy. She need to regain strength but all this conversation is wasting all her effort.

"Cho Eun....."

She couldn't see clearly now. Everything is black and white to her now and she felt dizzy. She heard a lot of noises and people rushing around.

Before Cho Eun finally closes her some what tiring eyes, she saw a familiar person. A person that always tender her when she's asleep. Pretending not to care for me when he care her the most.

"Yeol..." She muttered before she permanently close those eyes.


It was hours later when Cho Eun opened her eyes.

She was in her own room. She recognised it because only her room has this lacy stuff and it's warming to be inside.

Why am I here?

While she tried hard to recalled back what had happened before this, some one entered the room.

"Cho Eun, you're awake? How are you feeling right now?" It's Se Hun, the miracle healer.

"Se Hun.... Uh... I'm fine? Why am I here? I thought I was with that dragon in the market?" She asked Se Hun.

"To be honest, I'm not quite sure what had happened to you but I'm sure that your power have reached it limits. Tell me that you have forgotten to take those pills that I've prescribed to you?" Se Hun was eying on her.

"Uh.....Hehehe...I just forgot yesterday and today's.... "

Se Hun give out a long sigh and shook his head. All of the sudden, Chan Yeol rushed in.

"YAH!!! Why didn't you take those pills?! Do you want to face Solomon that early?!"

What's with him..... That's the only equation that pops out in Cho Eun's mind. "Not that early, I guess.." She mumbled.

"You two continue, I'll make a stronger exilir for Cho Eun to recover. You better swallow the whole thing! I'll make sure Yu Gyeong is here with her dragon!" Se Hun scolded as he left the room,

"What happened to you in the market?" Chan Yeol asked when Se Hun was dismissed.

"I don't know.... You didn't ask that ugly dragon? He was with me." Said Cho Eun. She wasn't sure what had happened just now either.

"Can't recall?" Chan Yeol give out a long sigh as he place his palm on her forehead and closed his eyes. 

Chan Yeol heard a voice inside her mind. A guy's voice. After some questioning from the guy, Cho Eun replied back with a blow and then he saw himself to rescue her.

"Who's that guy? I mean the voice." He asked Cho Eun, but in the mean time he was questioning himself too.

"Who? Yeol, you're having a cold, isit? There's nothing... I just forgotten to take my pills for two days..That's all!"

"Don't scare me like that!" He said as he hugged her. "Don't make me worry anymore!" He muttered.

"I know..." 

Jong In entered the room with his alice of running and along with the others.

"Cho Eun-ah, Cho Eun-ah! Are you better now?" Asked Jade caringly. 

Chan Yeol and Cho Eun jolted apart quickly and Cho Eun was the first to react normally. She's just used to it. 

"En! I'm fine now. Just waiting for Uncle Se Hun to bring the exilir for me only." She smiled.

"I HEARD YOU FROM HERE CHO EUN!!!!!" Se Hun yelled from the other side of the house.

"Work on the exilir, Se Hun." Jun Myun ordered.

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