Chapter XVIII

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Chapter XVIII

"Have you located her?" Jun Myun asked Yu Gyeong.

"No... Even this dragon can't locate her. Damn, where did she went?" Yu Gyeong asked furiously.

"Baek Hyun, any news from the school?"

"Nope. One of her friend said she skipped Hwang Bo's class, that's all I heard." Baek Hyun reported.

"Where could she been? Is there something bothering her?" Asked Jade.

"I'm sure she just left for a while. She couldn't be gone for long." Kyung Soo comforted everyone while patting on Jade's shoulders.

"Let's just hope so... She knows she's ill and not fully recovered why did she have to make us worry?!" Sera grumbled. "This kid is cumbersome!"

"Hey! Where's that stickman?! Anyone seen him?" Jong In asked out, noticing Chan Yeol's disappearance.

Right in time when everybody was going curious about Chan Yeol's whereabouts, the front door flung open and a loud bang came. Shocking everyone except for Se Hun.

"What's that?!" Jade screamed out.

"It's stickman!" Jong In cried out. "Man! What did he do? A fight with one of the North?! He's seriously injured!"

"Se Hun, go cure that guy while we think of a plan to find Cho Eun." Jun Myun said sternly.


"How's she doing?" Lay asked LuHan.

"Fine. Just that she needs some time to open her eyes." LuHan replied.

"And you? Any better? You should have stay at her place, y'know? It's dangerous here during the night."

"She needs to be here instead of there. I would have stay there too... How's Jong Dae?"

"He woke up yesterday and believe me, he's not buying the idea that your soul mate has beaten him." Lay laughed but immediately turn a stren face. "Kris is still hiding from us. I think he's planning something."

"Sigh, leave him alone. He's a loner without his other half."

"You're right! The sun's out. I think you should bring her out for a sunbath." Said Lay as he left the duo alone.

Seeing Lay left, LuHan starts to talk. "Honestly... I don't think that John guy is real... He seems so fake... " He paused for a while, staring into space. "Maybe I should bring you out for a walk. Weather is really nice today."

"Where are you gonna bring me then?" Cho Eun said in a coarse voice.

"The gardens or by the fountain..." LuHa paused for a moment and look at Cho Eun. "You're awake?!"

Cho Eun tries to sit up straight but she doesn't have much energy in her. After all, she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday.

LuHan caught her in his arms and Cho Eun curls in naturally at his body is warm.

"What is it about the North, about you guys? You guys can't go out in the dark, why?" She asked tiredly.

"I'll ask Lay to bring in some food first before I answer your question." He said as he lay her down properly and left the room.

He won't tell. There's something about the land here. She told herself sadly.

Minah enters the room with a bitchy expression on her face.

Cho Eun looked at her in confusion but immediately understands her.

"Who are you and why are you here?! What did you do to make my darling faint for 2 days straight?!"

"You're Jong Dae's soul mate." Cho Eun said straightforwardly. "If you need to yell or shout, can you do it later? I just woke up."

Minah hissed at Cho Eun and left the room but Cho Eun managed to grabbed her by the wrist.

Almost immediately, Cho Eun uses her alice of reading people's mind on Minah.

"What are you doing , WITCH!!" Minah cried loudly.

"No! I didn't do anything." But Cho Eun was aching in pain on the inside. She have to be strong now.

"Don't touch me! Get away from me and from my Jong Dae!!" She screech as she left the room swiftly.

Cho Eun got up slowly as she's trying to regain some strength and carry herself to the bed.

Moon creatures have been haunting the people of the north. That is why everyone is defenseless at night because the night creatures absorbs all the people's alice.

LuHan enters the room at the precise moment when Cho Eun was having those thoughts. "You have lots of things in your mind. Here, I made oats. Eat up first."

Cho Eun receive her meal and slowly feeding herself spoon by spoon. "Can you tell me everything? Don't sugarcoat the details."

"What do you mean?" LuHan stare at her blankly. "I don't get you? Are you hurt? I saw Minah.."

"Not that. Minah wouldn't hurt me eventhough she wanted to." Cho Eun cut him off quickly. "The night creatures! They are the one who has been controlling you guys since forever! Where are they?!"

"Minah told you?" LuHan muttered.

"I would be glad if she told me but she didn't."

LuHan let out a heavy sigh. "I promised you that I would tell you. Please. Stop using your alice without thinking twice. I don't want to lose you." He said while gripping her shoulder.

"I understand. I wouldn't do anything reckless. But you have to tell me." Cho Eun insisted.

"Eat while I tell you the story." After he gets her confirmation by nodding her little head, LuHan inhales deeply before starting. "It all started with he princes before we took over. This so-called Night Creatures already descended from their era and nobody knows how to avoid them. They are not physical beings but they are abstract. Nobody knows how they look or what form it takes but it only appears in when the moon rises. When we were selected to be the next prince at a young age, they told us this sad part of the story."

"Can you get to the main part of it? Like why did the Vengeance War happen. Why there was no peace? Why is Kris so mad when he knew it wasn't his fault?" Cho Eun ask directly, cutting LuHan.

"Kris is the other part of this story. Just let me finish!" LuHan pouts at her. Cho Eun giggles but kept her mouth shut already.

"Night Creatures have the ability to choose who they want to use as their tool. Sad enough, our prince were selected and whoever the prince is replacing will be cursed. All 5 of us were cursed except for Zi Tao. He's adopted into the family by Kris ten years before the war had happened. Regarding the war, it was something done by the previous prince. All 12 of us, including your appa from Ioa, were already chosen to lead the future at the year 2978 and were trained under their great leadership but as I said earlier, Night Creatures are abstract. They took over the minds of the six prince and uses their alice to create the Vengeance War."

"Why didn't you guys tell the people of Ioa?"

"It was pointless at that time. Everyone hates us till the guts and the more you try to tell them the story, the more they despises us for creating a lie. That's why we've been ban from even entering Ioa. Unless we have BaekHyun's ability. We're still finding for the Night Creatures' presence. It's a hard job but we've been enduring it for a long time. Kris was suffering for a long time because the Night Creature attacked him the most. Which is why he had mood swings easily during the night period."


Thank you guys for reading this fanfic but lately (pssh, more like forever), I don't quite have the time to write. My college life has started (long ago) and I'm in the midst of rushing my assignments and stuffs and more assignments. The probability of me writing here will decrease but I will try my super best to write. Writer's block has been stoping me for these few months. I'm sorry for the long waits. Really SORRY!!! *bows 90 degree*

Hope you enjoyed and drop a vote if it's nice.

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