Chapter Fourteen: Understanding

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Zuko's POV

Having grown up with Azula, I'm used to unreadable expressions from someone suddenly giving way to unpredictability that ends up hurting me. However, in this moment, looking at Sokka's face given that he's put all the pieces together, I honestly didn't know what to expect, and kinda regret telling him, but it's too late to take it back.

"Sokka, I.."

He holds up a hand, stopping me. "Look, I'm happy for you that you're realizing things about yourself. Especially when it comes to love. I don't understand it, but I've seen a lot in this world since leaving the South Pole. Experienced things I never even opened myself to or thought I was capable of. So understand, that even if I don't get it, I'm happy for you, genuinely I am. Aang is someone who changes the lives of everyone he interacts with. If your attraction to him has helped give you the inspiration to be a better person, I'm definitely all for it." 

I finally breathe.

He huffs, "With that being said, I care about Aang a lot, and I care about my sister. I know what you're asking of me, but I can't help you to hurt either of them."

My heart plummeted. It felt like a bucket of water had just doused the flames in my chest I'd been feeling since returning from the Sun warriors. 

"Aang's attraction as far as I've pretended not to recognize it has been for Katara. It's not like he's even been trying to hide it. As much as I like the new you, I can't help you break my sister's heart. If Aang has feelings for you back however, that's up to him. I'll respect that and only then would I help you two get together, but so long as my sister is involved, I can't, I won't do that to her."

"I understand", I murmur, and I think I mean it. I hope I mean it. 

He pats me on the shoulder, "Still rooting for you though bud. Keep those good thoughts flowing."

"Can you at least tell me if she likes him back?"

Sokka pauses, his face contorted into thought. "You know, now that you ask, I don't really know."

"How can you not know something like that? That's your sister", I respond, helpless. 

He cocks his head at me, "Yeah, and how well do you know the thoughts of your sister?" He turns and keeps walking.

He got me there. 

By morning we had found a way into the prison, and I had spotted a supply room. Fortunately there were reserve guard uniforms there. 

"I hope these disguises work." 

Sokka adjusts his helmet, "We just need to lay low and find my dad as soon as possible." 

A bunch of guards run by us. One of them runs back and looks at us and I tense up, but quickly relax, preparing to blow fire at him if I need to. Instead, he yells at us, "Guards! There's a scuffle in the yard. Come on."

Glancing at Sokka he shrugs, nothing else for us to do but blend in I suppose. 

Outside, a large group of prisoners are circled around one of their own who appears to be facing a guard. The prisoner has a large sloping forehead and a goatee and easily towers over the guard. "I didn't do anything! I'm going back to my cell", the prisoner complains. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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