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"What are you gonna wear?" Hyunjae asked Irene and Yeri.

"I bought a new dress the other day, it's sparkly so maybe that one," Irene said scrolling through her phone.

"I have no clue," Yeri smiled looking through the fridge.

"Well that makes two of us," Hyunjae sighed.

She headed back to her room to look through her closet once more. She didn't even know why she was looking through it, she knew every piece of clothing in there like the back of her hand. Yet why was it so difficult to choose something? All she could think of were Kunhang's words, make something.

Hyunjae sat on her desk opening her sketchbook. What could she even make in such short notice? Well if she worked the whole night she could get it done. And there it was a dress. She had been wanting to make this dress for some time now. There were enough materials in her room right now to make it. Though she would probably have to stop by the store to get a few more things.

"I'll be back! I need to run to the store before they close!" She said grabbing her wallet and jacket.

She slipped the jacket on and headed into the elevator. To her surprise, as she made it to the lobby Taeyong was entering.

"Oh hey where are you going so late?" He asked stopping her from running out of the dorms.

"Stores. I need something before they close," She said trying to get around him.

She was on a time crunch and she was determined to get that one piece she needed.

"Deadline?" Taeyong asked confused.

"Something like that. Please excuse me Yong I really have to go."

"Wait I'll go with you. You can save time that way, but what are you looking for?" he asked walking out with her.

She showed him a picture of a specific fabric choker. If she couldn't find it she needed something close to it. She had an idea of where she could get it. Her favorite fabric store had tons of fabric samples like this, but if she would make it in time was another story.

Taeyong smiled he already knew where she was headed. He had been to that store with her plenty of times so he thankfully also knew that place like the back of his hand.

"So are we running?" He asked her raising a brow.

Fuck. He was right. She had to start running if she wanted to make it.

"Fine let's go."

The pair started running down the streets. Hyunjae was not having it, she couldn't remember the last time she had run this fast. Not since way back then. Taeyong however, was miles ahead of her, she was sure he would get to the store way before her, but she didn't stop trying. Taeyong made it into the store and immediately knew where he was going while Hyunjae was halfway there. When she finally made it, Taeyong was already waiting for her at the register. She was out of breath and felt like she was dying. She handed the card to the cashier and took the fabric.

As soon as they made it out she sat on the ground against the store.

"Fuck," She yelled still out of breath.

"Geez I didn't think you'd be that tired," Taeyong laughed sitting next to her.

"I stopped exercising when I was fifteen. Never again."

"But hey we made it just in time," he said as the workers began locking up the store.

The workers paid no mind to them as they walked in the parking lot.

Wannabe // NCT College AUWhere stories live. Discover now