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A month later

Hyunjae sighed as she entered the auditorium and looked for a seat. Of course this was scary but she really wanted to do this. This was a stepping stone she really felt she needed. Plus she wanted to be there for her friends on their special day.


Hey are you guys sure about this
I just entered and I see people looking at me
And whispering
Once I congratulate you
everyone's gonna know we're all friends....
Are you absolutely positive you want me here



Literally couldnt care less about those losers knowing we're friends
We all want you here for this milestone jae :(
But if it's too much I also understand that

If it makes you feel better
My brother is here
I'm sure he'll draw attention away

that actually does make me feel better
Ok I'll stay then!
I can't wait to see you guys

She locked her phone with a sigh as she found a seat. She wanted to do this for her friends but the amount of people starting to whisper around her was making her anxious. It didn't help that she was sitting alone either.  The only reason she was alone was because Aeri already had an influencer event to attend.

Her phone vibrated and she almost immediately knew it would be an article about her.

Yu <33
I miss youuuuu

A smile grew on her lips. That was a bit unexpected. He really did have the perfect timing.

Jae <33
Hey wannabe
I miss you too
Shouldn't you be at practice?

Yu <33
We just wrapped up for today
I gotta hit the gym later though
What are you up to?

Jae <33
I'm at the gang's graduation
It's nervewracking though
I feel like I'm being watched by everyone
But maybe I'm just overthinking

Yu <33
I get it
It's scary
Are you by yourself?

Jae <33
Yeahhh :/
Aeri was busy
So it's just me

Yu <33
I wish I could be there
But you got this!
And if you feel uncomfortable you can always leave
I'm sure they'd understand

Jae <33
But I really wanna pull through
Anyway enough about me
How's the first month??
Are you feeling ok

Yu <33
I'm getting used to it little by little
I finally got a set schedule and I'm trying to stick to it everyday
Some days are better than others though
Like I'm trying to cook more but
It just doesn't compare to my mom's cooking

Jae <33
I think nothing can compare to a homemade meal made by mom (or dad haha)
I know the feeling
How's the team

Yu <33
Better than I remember
We thankfully still click easily
And I think I've finally gotten to know them
On like a personal level

Wannabe // NCT College AUWhere stories live. Discover now