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Whether it be fate or happenstance, Chuuya found himself here ultimately. Once upon a time, he would've sworn never to enter this pack of rogues but now he was here. He'd tried everything he possibly could've to stay safe on his own. He learned how to fight. He learned how to bite. But, the genetic parts of him won out every time. He couldn't make it out there in that big bad stubborn world. He'd have to stay where he could be protected...even if that meant losing the last of his humanity. 

"I've been expecting you," the smooth voice of a terrible man. His red scarf hanging from his neck as his dark clothes melded in with the shadows of the room. His face was barely visible but his glowing eyes were grinning all the same. Chuuya tensed, unable to avoid his genetic reaction. The worst thing about being an omega...was being a male omega. There weren't many in the population so the freaks who found one loved to claim him as their own. But people weren't pets, contrary to popular belief. People were people. 

"I figured that eventually, you'd come running back with your tail between your legs. You can't survive out there on your own no matter how strong you are, Chuuya-kun," he wasn't laughing but he could hear the laughter in his voice. He could see the laughter in his eyes. 

"Just give me my damn coat and hat back already," he growled. He'd tried numerous times to enter and leave this place, despite having sworn never to associate with it as a kid. Fate has a cruel way of playing games. It convinces you that you have another option when you don't. 

"Now, now, you know how this works," he actually let out a snicker this time. "You've run away too many times to go back to your post. People know what you are, Chuuya-kun, so you're going to be what you are." Chuuya tensed up even further. Never. Never in his life did he think he would end up there. He told himself he wouldn't be like the others. He wouldn't be tricked into prostitution or some other form of caged madness. Chuuya held his head in his hands and gritted his teeth. No. No. It can't be. No. 

"You should've stayed with us the first time you came here but now we can't trust you," Mori's hand was on Chuuya's shoulder. When had he moved? Why didn't he notice him move? Chuuya's mind swarmed with various questions. It swarmed and swarmed until he noticed the scenery had changed. This wasn't the place he was expecting. This was a different cage. Was he really going to become the Boss's favorite toy? No. That was almost worse. Chuuya curled up into a ball in the corner of the lavish room. This was a prison. He shouldn't have come back. He shouldn't have tried again. Maybe he should've just died like that man said...a double suicide? That seemed more appealing than this Hell. 

Chuuya wanted to scream out at the world, cursing it for putting him here...but the truth of the matter was that he had put himself here. It wasn't the world's fault. There wasn't anyone to save him now. 

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