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Sarah stared back at him. Had she misjudged him? There had only been these brief encounters prior to this dinner, so how much did she really know about him? What can you really learn about someone from reading a professional biography in a press kit? However, his explanation made sense. The amount of time and communication she was going to have with Mr. Blake was going to rival that of a close friendship. She was going to have to throw herself into seeing this man every day and make sure that she could be professional and likable. Sarah doubted her abilities to do that around Mr. Blake. She was undoubtedly attracted to this man, who wouldn't be? It wasn't just that though, it was the feeling she had between her legs right now staring into his eyes. She wanted to get to know him and have him get to know her; this could be a huge stepping stone in her career.

"I apologize for misreading the situation, Mr. Blake," she started to tell him, "I was so worried about making the right impression as a campaign lead that I didn't think this could also be a personal relationship as well." She couldn't look at his face as she said the last part, instead, she scanned the menu quickly to see what she would order. "Christopher," he breathed. She flicked her eyes up from the menu to meet his. "Excuse me?" she asked. "Call me Christopher, please Sarah, I insist," he replied. She swallowed, "first-name basis with the client, this could be good," she thought to herself. She gave him a small nod and resumed going over the menu. Her eyes landed on delicious-sounding seafood pasta. Johnathan entered the room once again and stepped up to their table. "I hope that was enough time for you both to decide what you wanted," he stated. Sarah looked from the menu to Mr. Blake and back to Johnathan. "What do I want?" Her thought had nothing to do with her ordering dinner. Mr. Blake's voice cut through her thoughts. "I'll have the steak, medium rare with the mixed vegetables," he said calmly as he handed the menu over to their waiter. "And for you, Miss?" Johnathan asked. Sarah cleared her throat, "I'll have the seafood pasta please," she said softly to him. He collected her menu and took his leave to put the order in.

Mr. Blake took another sip of his wine and looked at Sarah, "You look lovely tonight, by the way," he said in the silky-smooth voice she was becoming accustomed to. She blushed at the compliment; although she hadn't planned on being dressed up specifically for him, she was glad that her outfit did its job. "Thank you," she said as she tucked some hair behind her ear and took a large sip of her wine as well. "Tell me more about you Sarah, I see a ring on your left hand, husband or fiancé?" he inquired. She felt a twinge of guilt in her stomach at the words that left his mouth. She wasn't doing anything wrong, and Chad knew she was here tonight, but it just felt bad in a way to be here dined by another man and accepting his compliments. Sarah's brows furrowed as she mulled over how to answer the question at hand. "Fiancé, actually," she said slowly, "We just got engaged a couple of weeks ago." She played with the diamond ring on her hand as she recalled her engagement night while a smile crept across her face. "You must really be in love," Mr. Blake commented, cutting through her memory, "Congratulations." "Thank you, Mr. Blake," she responded. "Christopher," he said sternly, "I won't ask again Sarah." She shifted in her seat, the tone of voice he used sent shivers down her spine and straight through her core. "I know it was meant to be disciplinary, but I'm extremely turned on right now," she thought to herself as she uncrossed and crossed her legs again. She could feel the heat spread across her face and neck; this probably was the most embarrassing moment of her life. If he noticed the crimson shade forming on her skin, he never once showed it. Christopher went back to his wine and made an audible sigh as he drained the glass.

Their waiter returned to the room with their entrees. He set their food down in front of them and Christopher refilled their glasses. "Thank you," Sarah muttered as she started eating her food. The pasta was perfect, and the combination of seafood danced across her taste buds. She felt herself relax in her chair and continued to eat. There was a comfortable silence as they both enjoyed their food and wine. About halfway through their meal, Christopher cleared his throat, "There is more I would like to know about you Sarah, but I'll let you decide what you want to share." She stopped eating, put her fork down and wiped her mouth. "Well," she started, "I'm from Seattle and I'm an only child." Christopher nodded as he took in her answers, "How do you like being in San Francisco?" he asked. Sarah mulled the question over, she had been here for a couple of years and while it was different than Seattle, it was home to her now. "Well, Seattle is a little more slowed down compared to San Francisco, but this is home now to be honest," she told him smiling. "What about your family? Don't they miss you?" he inquired. Sarah was about to take a sip of her wine when the question came out. She stopped and looked at him trying to keep the sadness out of her eyes. It had been years since her parents' death, but it still hurt to think about. She took a long drink from her glass before she decided to answer. "Um," she started, "my parents passed away some time ago, and as I said I don't have any siblings so no; no one misses me." She tried not to go into too much detail about her family, she saved that for the people she really trusted. Christopher didn't say anything at first when he did speak it was slow and thoughtful. "While I cannot understand what it would be like to live without parents," he stated, "I do not have any siblings either."

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