squid word

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I sit inside my room watching spongebob as usual suddenly shrek bust's down on the floor and a stripper pole comes out of nowhere. When I realise what's going I suddenly getl hard. "Damn shrek" I say. Shaggy runs into the room and immediately starts slapping shreks ass. Quackity comes in and looks at what's happening and then walks out the room. I quickly grab him and tie him in a chair and force him to watch the ice age baby. He starts yelling no and trys very hard to get out."GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE Y/N!!!" quacktitty screams. I start playing prince Royce and l leave the room. Quackity at that point just sits there while aksel slowly dies on the floor from neglect. Shrek comes in the room and gives quackity a lap dance. Shrek was so thicc that quackity almost suffocated. Aksel's last words in that moment were "nice" and then he exploded. Quackity ignores the fact that his bestfriend exploded and proceeded to rip the ice age baby's head off. Shrek was fucking shaggy on the cold basement floor and 9 months later he got a divorce with fiona. At that point quackity wanted to go back to the furry stuff but that wasnt happening b/c my asshole was destroyed and my furry suit was gone.

(To be continued)

(To be continued)

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