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vav; AYNO

BURIED TREASURE EXISTS. There are legends about glorious wealth which were stored and are destined to be found. All you have to do is look hard enough.

Ayno certainly was fond of the idea. The ideology that searching for something you long to find and being able to reap the benefits was something he found greatly appealing. He was an observer after all. Analyzing was what he had a passion for. There was a saying that goes do the things that make you most happy — he lived by that. He loved the hunt. The discovery of what everybody wants but is too lazy to actually get.

He was destined to find buried treasure and he did.

EVERYONE OVERLOOKED (Y/N). She was average to say the least. Taking risks was a not something she would do. She followed rules at all given times. (Y/N) was nothing new. Nothing special. If anything, she was completely bland. People would overlook her within seconds of locking eyes.

WEEKS HAD GONE BY AND SCHOOL HAD BEEN A WORK IN PROGRESS. Everyone was too busy. Work was heavily piled onto students shoulders and they didn't have any free time to relax and talk to friends.

However, Ayno was not one to fear failure. He possessed an excessive amount of information within minutes. He didn't need days, weeks —not even hours to memorize notes. Precisely because he had no abundant of time used for school work, he had a free schedule. It has been referred to that he liked mysteries. The thrill to discover was never hindered from running through his veins. He required a puzzle, and he was going to solve one.

People rarely ever interested Ayno. They were of no relevance to him. Yet, ruling out scrutiny of others was a no go. To be a judge and give an evaluation of someone, peaked his curiosity. He had created a theory: If a human can collect recognition for doing absolutely nothing, then they are somewhat like buried treasure — admired but unresponsive.

A test subject had to be chosen and he had a person in mind to fit into his ideal genie pig. He wondered how such a dull person like (Y/N) existed. She was of no importance. That's what intrigued him. Out of all students, she was the one who caught his interest. Most things don't —but she did, which he believed was an honor.

EVERY NOW AND THEN DURING CLASS HE WOULD GLANCE AT HER. As an analyzer, he had to check if she had habits; small quirks that made her tick. Eventually he figured them out:

The cap of pens were bitten on if nervous, nails would be indented into her palms when angry, and the weirdest one he found was that she bit her lips when she laughed. It was as if she were trying to hold back a giggle. He felt a strange warmth in the pit of his stomach when she did that, but it quickly diminished.

Next was her hobbies. After school, Ayno steadily followed (Y/N)'s activity. The purpose was for research, of course. No distinct peak of admiration had reached it's way into his mind just from inspecting habits. That explained why Ayno had walked a couple paces behind her when her lessons were over. He needed more observations of her to better his evidence.

On Monday, she would take the bus to the grocery store to pick up necessities. For Tuesday, Zumba class was held at the recreation center and she was always in the back, her water bottle placed right beside her. Wednesday, Ayno didn't have information because he had to attend school clubs. Thursday was always meant to be a park meditation session (Ayno hated having to go to those —the humming lulled him to sleep). Friday was his designated day off.

Albeit the most generic schedule, he had noticed how calm she took life. With no signs of worry or fear, she walked with her head held high. She welcomed the day —ceased it. Ayno had pondered over the reaction. Such mundane people like her could certainly not invite liveliness with open arms. That specific conceived notion had kept him from sleeping at night. How could he be an observer when he doesn't understand the object of his testing?

Quickly after this epiphany, he had begun writing all his studies in a journal. He had found it quiet frustrating when he couldn't look back at his sources when thinking about (Y/N). Not having anything to actually hold in his hands was not easy for his research. It was odd that that had been the first time he was angry at his way of studying —a simple nobody had scribbled out his permanent habit.

HIS DAILY OBSERVATIONS STILL OCCURRED BUT WERE TAKEN TO A MORE INTENSE LEVEL. Usually Ayno would only do analysis on weekdays but he had been following her on the weekends too. It was as if he didn't even know he was doing it. It came to him as an instinct; being with (Y/N) came to not be a chore, but similar to pursuing a treasure map. If he continued trailing her, he was bound to find some sort of treasure.

Initially, this theory was limited to one month. That month turned into two months, three months, one year. There was no termination to his observations because in the end, he found the X on the map.

His theory was proven correct. Now, he was going to get it no matter what. After all, buried treasure was meant to be found. (Y/N) was meant for him.

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