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nct dream; JAEMIN

Recording Entry - 46
Time Count - 3:28 am

The girl was laying down on her bed. Blue sheets covered the mattress while a white blanket was covering her. (Hair Color) was sprawled against the pillows. Her snoring was lightly heard throughout the room. With a chest that went up and down with each intake and outtake of breathe, she seemed to have been heavily asleep. Right next to her was a phone placed on a nightstand. A desk was parallel to the bed and a closet was to her right. To her left was a boy.

With pale hands he caressed her cheeks. His thumb ran over her plump lips.


Recording Entry - 52
Time Count - 1:20 am

The girl was asleep, face up on the bed. A boy was laying to the left of her; legs laid straight while his arms were wrapped around the girl's waist. His face was on her stomach, his breathing steady as if he was inhaling the girl's scent.

(  TIME CUT  )

Recording Entry - 56
Time Count - 5:57 am

A (hair color) haired girl was seated on her bed, fingers running over her pillow. She had spotted an odd thing laying there, as if it was abandoned by the owner. Gently picking it up, she placed the object right in front of her and widened her eyes at the oddness of it.

A pink hair strand laid on her palm. She didn't have that hair color.

(  TIME CUT  )

Recording Entry - 63
Time Count - 7:34 pm

A boy was seated on a desk chair. In his pale hands were a set of pink underwear that he had taken from the dresser. The male inhaled the fabric, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as if he was reaching a high he had never felt before.

Right at that very moment a girl barged into the room, her backpack over her shoulders. Shock could be seen on both children's faces.




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