twenty one➖

155 7 4


enhypen; JAY


first, there are hundreds of different combinations of smoothies you are expected to know which actually frustrates you, because like how even are you supposed to memorize that many?!

secondly, you do not get paid enough for how busy the store gets in the summer. you work near a local pool and the amount of overly excited children and extremely tanned teenagers entering the store all throughout the day makes you want to rip your hair out.

and lastly, people are so fucking rude. everyday there just has to be a rude person who can't get their head out of their ass and be nice for once. like, all they have to do is tell you their order, let you make the drink, and then they leave. but you think they listen and do that? —no they do not! they make your life a living hell and you just can't stand it anymore.

but do you want to know the worst thing about working at that god forsaken smoothie shop?

it's having to face and help the boy named jay.


well, here is why.

every store has different closing times and people can often mistake other store times from your store. due to this mistake happening more than a couple of times, your manager put a huge sign in the store window clearly stating that the store always closes at 8pm.

to you it makes perfect sense that regular customers would fully understand that the store closes at 8 so they should not be arriving mere minutes before you close. however, jay obviously had horrible comprehension skills.

if he was actually considerate, he would at most arrive ten minutes before closing time. on the other hand, if he was not keeping in mind your work schedule which is to close the store at 8, meaning locking the doors so no one can enter, he would casually walk through the doors at 7:59pm. 

ever time you heard the doorbell chime right when you grabbed the keys to lock the doors, you fought the urge to scream in his face. cause this wasn't a once-in-a-month type of thing. this occurred every single day.




"hey!" he spoke in his happy-go-lucky tune. to most people he would have sounded friendly: overly kind if anything. yet you knew that wasn't his true intention. in reality his voice was secretly laced with cockiness, knowing that you had no other option but to help him through his order. and the worst part? six guys were following right behind him, seemingly his group of school friends hence the matching uniforms they wore.

putting on a strained smile, you slowly dropped the keys on the counter and made you way to the cash register. you took a deep breath knowing that the sooner you help him, the sooner he can get the hell out of your sight.

"the regular?" you asked, hoping that all he'll do is respond with a yes and leave you to make his drink. but you were just wishing, and your wish was definitely not granted.

"actually,' he started, extending the 'y' to a couple of 'eeeeeeees', 'let me get one blueberry, one strawberry kiwi, one coconut, one dragonfruit, one orange lime, one sweet potato, and one of the mango pineapple smoothies."

you furrowed your eyebrows thinking that you were clearly mishearing him. "are you serious?" you questioned, not understanding how he could ask for so much when you literally had to close the store soon due to your company policy.

the boys behind him all were making noises as if there was a fight about to go on. 'oohs' and 'ahhs' were spewing from their mouths and one even had the audacity to ask jay if he was going to allow you to speak to him like that.

you watched as jay fixed his face from confused to a straight. he rolled his eyes at you, then turned to his friends and laughed.

"she literally works at a fucking smoothie shop for a living." he told them in a snarky tone. he proceeded to turn towards you and say, "stop fucking complaining about something that you signed up to do. it's literally you're fucking job so stop being a bitch and do it!"

giggling was heard throughout the almost empty store and you were just plain and simply done. you are not supposed to be treated like this and yet these boys are just finding everything so funny. rich fucking kids with no fucking morals.

having absolutely no words to say to them that wouldn't end with you possibly beaten up, or better: fired, you just nodded your head and rang up the bill. you didn't look up once since making all the drinks knowing that if you did, jay would be staring right through your soul. instead, you made the smoothies as quick as you could, pouring them in cups and sealing them with their lids. cautiously, you maneuvered all the drinks to the pickup counter and waited for the drinks to be taken.

you only looked up when all the chatter had faded from the store and you quickly snatched up the keys and ran to lock up the store. anger was seething through your veins and you had to withold it inorder to clean the place up and leave. after sweeping, mopping, washing dishes and restocking the supplies, you were finally to do so.

running to the back room to grab our belongings, you took out your phone from your bag and turned it on to check the time. you're schedule states that you should be out of the shop by 8:30. it's now almost 10pm and you a certain that you missed your bus.

it took you over 20 minutes to make their drinks and even longer to clean up due to the apparent mess the group of boys made while you were busy making their smoothies.


eagerly wanting to leave, you shut off the lights and were officially heading to walk out the doors when you spotted something on the counter. picking it up, you straightened the paper as it was all bawled up and began to analyze it.

the note read:

sorry for being an asshole! you know that's not the real me! it's just that my friends were here and i didn't want them to see me as weak because i couldn't stand up to you. they don't know about us so i can't have them become suspicious since i know that you like keeping us a secret! either way, i'm sorry for my attitude and if you could please text me back tonight that would be great!! i know you've been busy but all i need is just a small message from you! please text me soon as i give you my number everyday so you don't forget to do so! i love you so much and have a good night!

p.s. next time when you're mad at me, please spit in my drink.

having finished reading the note, you ran through the door, hastily locking up the place and sprinting all the way to your aunts house which was the closest place you could thing of.

once you got there, although banging at the door like a maniac, your cousin let you in.

having safety stepped foot into the house, you promptly pulled out your phone, went to messages and clicked on a specific contact. swiftly, without any doubt, you texted them two words.

to manager: i quit.

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