My so call happy Fairy tail

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pictures/image from stories

Chapter 1 

My So-called happy fairy tail

Izuku, for the most part, was happy with his day-to-day life, he owned and managed a book shop that was doing pretty well downtown. It was late at night, about 20 minutes before closing time, and there weren't any customers in the store at the moment, so Izuku was thinking about closing up earlier tonight. The bell on the door made a jingle sound when someone walked in, catching his attention. Whoever it was, was bundled up against the cold in a black pea coat, scarf bundled up around his face, and a beanie so only some spikes of blonde hair poked out.

Izuku had to bite back the groan that was trying to free itself from his lips. He was so close to closing the shop for the night. His quirkless life had brought him to just being an owner of a bookstore, never a hero. If he hadn't registered as an omega, he might have been able to have a chance. Izuku father made sure that Izuku was listed as an omega. So everyone would know Izuku was a useless, quirkless omega, that wasn't worth a moment of time. Alphas intended to overlook any omegas that were weak or quirkless, being alphas would not get powerful offsprings or strong bloodlines. It was the reason Izuku decided to run his bookshop, being no alpha would want him as their own. Even if he was thought of as rare being a male omega.

"Hello! Welcome to the One for All bookshop," Izuku said with a bright smile. 'oh great, an alpha.' Izuku thought. It was rare for an alpha to come into his bookshop and while he was alone in the shop, it was a little nerve-racking for the green-haired omega.

"How.... how can I help you?" Izuku added, staying behind his counter, thinking of it as a safe place. The omega believes that keeping space between him and the alpha was always a good idea. Izuku had become curious about the power that rolled off the alpha; it was coming in waves of heat and sweetened the air. This alpha was a Prime alpha, it made Izuku go pale as he studies the alpha that had stepped into his bookshop. Izuku had to let out a long sigh as he watched the alpha come deeper into the shop. Izuku stood tall, he wouldn't show any fear toward a prime alpha.

The alpha reached up and unraveled his scarf, so it was only around his neck lose and not uptight around his face. He was handsome and tall, almost like a model. Katsuki took in a deep sniff, unable to help it, his eyes focusing on the person behind the desk. His scent was all omega, and he smelled like greenery and fresh rainfall, like spring. Admittedly, Katsuki had stepped into the store to avoid some fans who'd guessed who he was. He came in here to hide, but now that he was in here why not look around now.

"Got any good books?" He asked, eyes scanning the shelves and shelves of them. Katsuki didn't do much in his off time besides sleep, but he did read on occasion. Mostly sci-fi.

Izuku eyes locked on the alpha. Oh shit, it wasn't just any prime alpha; it was a pro hero.

Izuku blinked, finally realizing he needed to answer the pro hero. ".....Yeah, sure..... ah," was the only thing coming out of his mouth at the moment. Well, if he didn't sound like an idiot. This was one of the top-rank popular heroes, Izuku had seen him many times before on the tv and in newspapers.

"You're... You're Ground Zero!" Izuku said in a shocked, tiny, excited voice before he bit his bottom lip. "Is there a type of book you like?" Izuku quickly asked as he pulled out a few books he believe would be good choices for the pro hero to read. Izuku knew a lot about many of the pro heroes, but he realizes he didn't know what Ground Zero books choices were or what kind of gene he liked.

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