Chapter 1: Demy

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My purple hair flew into my face as yet another gust of freezing cold New York air blew my way. It's freaking Thanksgiving and here I am, wandering around New York by myself.

The bright sign of Stark Tower is the only reason I haven't given up and gone to sleep in an alley yet. I stood infront of the door for a while.

Would Tony even come down and talk to me? Would he kick me out? Would he send someone else to kick me out? Would-


I looked to my left and lost myself for a second. Captain America stood next to me in normal everyday clothes. "H-hi?" I mentally facepalmed myself. "I mean: sorry, am I in your way?" I asked, moving over so I didn't block the door.

"No, I actually was wondering why you were just standing infront of the door."

"Well, you see-"


I looked at the door where my dad stood. He looked a little older than the pictures I managed to save from Kris's bonfire. His eyes looked me up and down.

"Hi, I hate to bother you but I really need to ask-"

"Tony, who is it?" A red haired woman asked, appearing next to my dad.

"Pepper, Cap, this is Demeter Antonia Stark. She's the result of my first marriage."

I waved slightly. Result? Bruh, I'm your kid not some test's data.

Pepper smiled widely and held out her hand. "Pepper Potts, it's great to meet you."

I hesitated before shaking her hand. "Likewise." I said.

"So, Demeter, you said we needed to talk. What about?" Tony asked, drawing attention back to himself.

"I know it's a really bad day for this, but I need to be emancipated and I can't be without you signing off on some really important papers, so I was-"

Pepper cut me off. "Emancipated?" She looked at my dad. "You said she lived with your ex."

"She does." He replied. He looked at me. "What's your mom getting out of this?"

"Nothing, she lost custody of me eight years ago. I've been in foster care. I risked everything to find you so can you please just stop by a court house next week and sign the papers?"

"Foster care?" Captain America asked.


"Demy." I interrupted.

"Sorry. Demy, why don't you come inside while I talk to your dad?" Pepper said, taking my hand and leading me inside. She left me in the main room of the ground floor and walked off with me dad.

Captain America cleared his throat. "I'm Steve Rogers." He said.

"Demy Stark."

"If you don't mind my asking, how come I've never heard of you before today?"

I shrugged. "Tony and my mom seperated when I was five. Toxic marriage or something. I haven't seen him since."


Pepper and Tony walked back out.

"We need to talk."

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