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Me and Tae came to Jungkook's house.
As we reached at the gate, the gatekeeper stood up and was about to stop Tae but noticed me with him and stopped.

He opened the gate and let us in.
We went inside and ringed the bell then the maid opened the door.

Maid : "Good Morning Mam!! You are back."

Then she noticed Tae and bowed.

Tae : "Is Jungkook home?"

Maid : "Ummmmm.....He is not..."

Dahyun : "Who's there?"

She came out wearing one of Jungkook's hoodie as a dress.

She came out wearing one of Jungkook's hoodie as a dress

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Dahyun : "Oh!! Y/N and Tae. Come on in!!"

I was about to say something but Tae stopped me and whispered in my ear.

Tae : "Lets just get in and talk to her."

I sighed.
We walked in and sat on the sofa.

Dahyun : "What would you guys like to have?"

Y/N : "Just stop it Dahyun!!!"

Dahyun flinched.

Tears started forming.

Y/N : "Why did you do this to me?"

Dahyun scoffed and said.

Dahyun : "Do what??...oh that!!....Listen Y/N I was not the only one, Why don't you ask Jungkook huh?"

Listen Y/N I was not the only one, Why don't you ask Jungkook huh?"

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Y/N : "You!!....."

I was about to slap her but Tae stopped me.

Tae : "Y/N calm down!!"

Y/N : "How can I calm down Tae?"

Dahyun : "Why are overreacting Y/N? Jungkook is no one to you."

Y/N : "Are you mad? I love...."

Maid : "Sir!!"

We all looked at the door and saw Jungkook there.

We all looked at the door and saw Jungkook there

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