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My heart dropped in my stomach and tears started forming in my eyes.
I left that room and rushed outside. I felt so much pain in my chest, it was a pain I have never experienced in my whole life.
I rushed downstairs and reached in the living room.

Maid : "Mam? Mam!! What happened?"
The maid called me but I ran outside. I just wanted to go home.

*Jungkook's POV*

I woke up with weird commotion outside.
I felt someone was sleeping with me.
'It must be Y/N'
I opened my eyes and realized that I was not wearing clothes. As I looked at my side I was shocked to see Dahyun sleeping there that to without clothes just wrapped in blanket.

 As I looked at my side I was shocked to see Dahyun sleeping there that to without clothes just wrapped in blanket

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Jungkook : "WTF! is this?? What happened last night???"

Why can't I remember anything?
Suddenly the maid came to the door and as she looked at us, she turned around

Maid : "My bad!! Sorry to disturb you sir"

She was about to leave

Jungkook : "Wait!!...Where is Y/N?"

She turned around but kept looking at floor.

Maid : "Y/N Mam came to your room some minutes ago but then ran outside crying. I called her but she didn't reply anything."

Jungkook : "She what?.....Where did she go?"

Maid : "Sorry, I don't know sir."

Jungkook : "Damn it!!"

The maid left.

I quickly climbed down the bed, opened my closet and then put on whatever I that came in my hand.

I quickly climbed down the bed, opened my closet and then put on whatever I that came in my hand

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I rushed outside, got in the car and drove to Y/N's house.
Jungkook : "I hope you are there.... Please wait for me."

*Dahyun's POV*

I got up as I confirmed Jungkook left.

Dahyun : "I didn't wanted to do this.....I am sorry Y/N."

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