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 The Gathering came quickly, and despite being punished for her actions near it, Riverstone was not stuck in camp for the night. The ginger she-cat emerged from the warrior's den covered in moss from her bedding, having gotten a bit of sleep so she'd have the energy to stay awake that night. She slipped into the patrol wordlessly, picking the moss out of her fur, and though some still harbored an easily-sensed wariness, it had mostly faded in the gratefulness for Flintstar's ended reign. She had even seen Lakegleam and Snakeeye giving her barely restrained appreciative smiles.

Just as he had before not long ago, Amberstar wordlessly led the patrol out of camp and into the starlit wood.

As the patrol paced onward, Riverstone's quick paws keeping up, her emerald eyes tracked the silvery-brown bark of the trees, the moon-doused green of the leaves. As she gazed at them, a half-smile pulled at her jaw; they reminded her of Nightstripe's starry eyes.

Eventually the cats arrived at the Gathering, splitting off to greet friends from other Clans or staying together to idly chat. Riverstone trotted across the clearing, nose high and mouth open as she searched for Nightstripe's scent on the open air. As she paced the Gathering area, her ears gradually flattened and her smile began to fade; she couldn't sense her lover anywhere. But he's always at Gatherings, she thought, ears flat as she slowed to a stop. What could he have done to- Oh, wait!

Riverstone caught his faint scent and began to follow it, pushing past the undergrowth that surrounded the clearing. What's he doing out here?

Soon the she-cat arrived at Twolegplace, hesitating at the invisible border. She could sense him, just past it. A look of confusion crossed her face. What is he doing?

Looking around to make sure no one was watching, she leaped the border and began to search for him. Her emerald eyes scanned the rows of structures as her hackles rose, dogs barking in the distance and kittypets darting away from her general space with tiny yelps. Around her, mice rushed past like they didn't know she was there. Though she briefly considered stopping to trap one under her paws, she shook her head and kept moving.

It wasn't long before she found the tom, the moonlight shading his silhouette in a silvery-black as he sat on top of a set of wooden boards. His gaze was turned to the sky, and as he turned his head to look away from her direction, she caught a flash of bright green around his neck, muted by the darkness. Riverstone stopped short, gasping. Her eyes were wide as he whipped his head around to face her.


"Riverstone! What are you doing here?!" Nightstripe stood, wobbling on the boards before righting himself with his tail. "Why aren't you at the Gathering?"

"Why aren't you?! What are you doing in Twolegplace, on their territory? What is that on your neck?!" Riverstone's ears were flat, her fur puffed out ferociously. Her claws worked the ground, kneading their stress into the cool earth.

"Listen, Riverstone. I'm not Nightstripe anymore."

"Then what are you?! Why are you here, with a Twoleg thing around your neck?! Where is-"

Riverstone broke off, jaw hanging open in disbelief as the pieces fit together.

"Riverstone, listen. I didn't want to tell you ..."

"You've become a kittypet."


"No, no," Riverstone cried, turning in a circled before facing him again. "Do you understand what you've done? Cats will be looking for you. Beechstar's going to kill you. You're violating so many rules the Alliance has in place. What is wrong with you? What made you do this to them... to me?!"

Riverstone's BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now