Naegami break up?!?!(angsty)

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Makoto was laying down on his bed looking at his ceiling as tears ran down his faces. Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood playing full blast so he didn't hear Byakuya knocking. After a few more minutes of knocking Byakuya had to take desperate mesures...

... so here he is, now knocking on Kokichi's door. He needed him to Lock-pic Makoto's door. It took a lot of persuading(read as: money) but Kokichi did it and then went to go buy a nice ring for Shuichi with the money he got.

He walked in and saw Makoto's state and it broke his heart.

"Naegi?" He said but Makoto didn't hear as he was now listening to Let You Down by NF. He took his phone and put the song on pause which got the Hope bean's attention.

"What do you want Bya—Togami?" He asked in a depressed tone.

"I wanted to talk to you about what you wrote in the chat." Byakuya said sitting on his boyfriend's bed.

"What, are you gonna scold me for exposing you?" Makoto asked with a lace of sarcasm in his voice.

"No that's it Naeg—"

"Is it so hard for you to just call me 'Makoto'?" The brunette sat up after his sadness turning into anger.

"I'm sor—"

"No! Shut up Byakuya I'm doing the talking right now. You always seem to worry about how people see you. Most of the time I don't even feel like you love when I know that I love you more than anyone in this earth, I don't care about your looks, your status, how much money you have, but you seem to. You seem to care about your stupid reputation so much that it's emotionally ruining me! I get so jealous of others relationships, they always show off their lovers and talk about them like they are the stars and he clouds! You don't!! You always get embarrassed about dating me just because I wasn't born into a stupid mansion with jewelry already on like you did. I just want you to love me and be PROUD of loving me, I want you to talk to people about me with a smile and introduce as your boyfriend and not some lowly servant!! Why did you even date me in the first place if you pretend I don't exist when other people show up!! I won't take your half-assed apologies anymore!!" Makoto let everything out, sobbing into his arms at the end.((kinda proud of myself after writing this, since I've never actually been in a relationship))

Togami was speechless he didn't know he made his love feel like this.

"Na-Makoto, Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you obviously wouldn't care... I think we should break up."

Togami looked at him in shock "w-what?"

"I'm sorry Togami, it's for the best. I love you more than anything but I can't keep doing this. You say you love me but only when I say it first. This relationship is just tearing me up inside." Makoto told him in a depressing tone.

It broke Byakuya's heart but he understands. He fucked up. He knows he's in the wrong, he know he deserves this.

".. could you please leave? I... wanna be alone."

The blond could only nod and walk out. "Goodbye Makoto..."

Makoto watched as he left, feeling horrible, but he needed this, they both needed this.

Togami walked into his room, he leaned his back against the door and sighed, all his memories flashing in his head. All of Makoto's heart broken/depressed/disappointed faces. Didn't take long for him to start sobbing in his hand and slide down the door onto the floor.

Both boys sat in their separate rooms sobbing their hearts out. Little did they know, both will be happy again, sooner than they think.

Cause Shuichi has a plan and boy is it good.

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