Nagito's getting... bullied?

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Nagito's automail mechanic: and that's why I'm not allowed around Kiibo's robots anymore

OW CARL MY ASS: and for good reason, I don't need you or Miu around my creations. You keep trying to turn one into Gundham and I don't even wanna talk about what Miu's desires are

VORE ME!!!: I just want a sex robot for when Kaede is gone!!

OW CARL MY ASS: then make one yourself and stay away from MY creations!!!

VORE ME!!!: but it's so much more satisfying when you know that the robot you have wasn't made by you🤤🤤 There's a thrill to it~~

Nagito's automail mechanic: besides, we both the real reason you don't want her and I near your lab is because one of your bots will spill to us about your MASSIVE crush on Rantaro.

Not a fuckboy: Kiiboo(not a typo) you have a crush on me!?😉


*OW CARL MY ASS has left the chat*

Not a fuckboy: oh im commin for dat ass!!!

*not a fuckboy has left the chat*

He Gone!: 'not a fuckboy' my left ass cheek!

*How many sides does an octagon have?!?! Has changed their name to Meat on the Bone~*

*an octagon has 8 sides has changed their name to GOD*

Meat on the bone~: hey does anyone know where Nagito is? Izuru and I can't find him anywhere.

GOD: speak before I find you.

John Watson: I don't think threatening us is necessary Izuru.

GOD: yes it is

Meat on the bone~: it is.

Secret Alchemist: I shall inform you that my 4 dark devas have witnessed the white haired mortal enter his room in a despairful mood.

Mikan's Queen: despair??!?!

GOD: his door was locked and he wouldn't answer to our knocking so Hajime and I assumed he went out. It seems he was ignoring us.

Bundle of Hope: what if he just wants to be alone? Maybe he's just having a bad day.

Meat on the Bone~: he always comes to us when has a bad day. He doesn't like being alone when he's sad cause of how self-destructive he is!

Bakugou Kinnie: okay... now I'm getting worried.

Liar🚹: want me to lockpick his door for you?

GOD: no need, I will.

*Meat on the Bone~ and GOD have left the chat.*

Levi Ackerman: you don't think Nagito has fallen into despair have you?

Little Bundle of Hope: no he hates that shit

Mikan's Queen: if anyone hurt my lil bro, I swear I'll find them and make the Holocaust look like a TEA PARTY!!

Junko's Queen: c-call Down dear, please!!

Did someone say HOPE?!?!: hi..

Mikan's Queen: NANA!!!

Nagito's automail mechanic: lil bro!!!

Did someone say HOPE?!?!: sorry to worry you all... I have just been a little sad these days...

Liar🚹: why is that?

Did someone say HOPE?!?!: ...

Mikan's Queen: Nana..?

Did someone say HOPE?!?!: ... I've been getting bullied these days... by an upperclassman.

GOD: give me a name and I'll give you a corpse.

Did someone say HOPE?!?!: no don't, her boyfriend is the ultimate blacksmith and a skilled fighter. I wouldn't want you to get hurt.

Meat on the Bone~: Ko you seem to be forgetting who you're talking to.

Basically Erza: wait... Ruruka is bullying you?

Did someone say HOPE?!?!: yeah... she's been calling me names like Whore, Slut, Cockslut.. but turns into an absolute sweetheart the moment Sonosuke shows up.

Mikan's Queen: she's so fake and manipulative... and that's coming from ME!

Bakugou Kinnie: she insulted Peko a few times too.

Meat on the Bone: she's hit on Izuru behind Sonosuke's back.

GOD: don't remind me, worst experience of my life.

Sebastian could never: poor Sonosuke is completely under her spell, he's under the impression that she's an angel when in reality, she's the opposite.

Bakugou kinnie: I wanna ruin her life so badly.

Liar🚹: then why haven't you? You're a Yakuza.

Bakugou kinnie: well fyi sUpReMe LeAdER, I dont wanna get on Sonosuke's or Seiko's bad side. Especially Seiko, she's kinds scary.

Liar🚹: ... yeah that's fair.

VORE ME!!!: I could make a small drone that could record and film Ruruka and have it follow her around to see if she does any bad shit and then we take the footage and upload it on the school website.

Did someone say HOPE?!?!?!?: that sounds like something straight out of a high school drama.... LETS DO IT!!!

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