Author's Note

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If you haven't finished all 22 chapters, then please read those first before continuing because I'm probably going to include a bunch of spoilers here.

For those of you who are just checking this out, thanks! But I'd appreciate it if you can spend some time and read the story from start to finish, please! And for those of you who have completed the story from cover to cover, I want to thank you all so very much!

Please comment with any questions, concerns, complaints, ANYTHING. Just try not to be rude and I promise I'll reply! Anyways, as you may know by now, there's obviously another part to this, but before I start writing part 2, I want to know for sure that I actually have readers that are interested in continuing the journey. Thus, I ask that you guys comment anything at all - even a simple "hi!" will do! That will motivate me to continue writing here!

There are so many questions unanswered, right? Who are the Untamed? Who does Krone really work for? Who is his "master"? Who possess the other qualities of Axis? And most important of all... WHY is everyone after Anya???

If you want to know, comment/vote/follow and I'll get started on Part 2 immediately! 

Lastly, just to get y'all more involved, I wanted to have a little contest open to all my readers! There are plenty of scenes throughout the book where I try to let you guys use your imagination. Now, I want you to put that imagination to use! Here are the rules:


1. Pick any scene from the story you like and draw it however you see fit! Simple as that. Email me your drawings and the best illustration will be posted right here AND you'll win a $25 gift card code! And of course, you will be credited with your work by name :)

2. Pick any scene from the story and rewrite it, this time from another character's point of view. Email me your piece and the winner will have their story posted as well as win a $25 gift card code. And similar to the above, you will be credited by name.

Here's my email:

Anyways, sorry for the long note. I truly hope you guys enjoyed Part One of the Untamed! Good luck with the competition! And stay tuned for Part Two!


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