Special Announcement

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Big news everyone!

Thanks to the 1,000+ views I've gotten (I seriously never thought I'd get that many) and the kind comments I've received, I've decided to put up the sequel. It will be called: "The Untamed 2: The Untold Lies."

I basically have the entire story planned out, and of course, there's going to be much more action, laughs, new characters, and a MASSIVE plot twist.

Having said that, I'm going to try and have it done by the end of January 2015. My goal is to post the first chapter by February 1, 2015 and then a chapter a day following that. I know it sounds like a long time, but I want to provide the best story possible - free from annoying grammar and syntax so that y'all can enjoy the story without having to reread it like a thousand times.

 Still, just to be fair, I've added a teaser description to this section just to get you guys pumped up. Tell me what you guys think :)

*Clyde Skiles has just tamed Varensis - one of the most powerful Kin of the age. On top of that, he can partially control the Gold Kin - another legendary being. He is admired throughout the island of Endnark because, surely, such a person has some kind of special power to be able to tame Varensis, right?


Life has never been harder for Clyde. Varensis absolutely refuses to listen to Clyde, the Untamed are still hunting him, and to top it all off, all the other Tamer Schools are also after Clyde!

With the help of some new friends, Clyde must navigate through Endnark's secrets once again and uncover Seyth's disturbing past, learn new, frightening abilities that the Kin have, and of course, protect himself from the Untamed.

But how can he do this when there is a traitor in his midst?*

Hope you all enjoyed it! Keep an eye out for The Untamed 2: Untold Lies on February 1st, 2015 when the journey will resume! You guys can comment any questions you may have. Also, it makes it fun when I hear people foreshadowing, so go ahead and tell me what you think is going to happen! I'd love to hear your thoughts!


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