Drama Queen pt2

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No one's POV

Manager nim made us go on break. And to be honest there is drama circling around the rest of the members. It's honestly very stupid and annoying. Like yall mad annoying, like dang. Especially ever since yoongi shot that woman. Cause we in da ghetto, and that producer turned out to be the phone operator.


Phone operator: well Mr. Park Jimin....you realize yall in the ghetto, so there ain't nothing that I can...welp peace yo.

Jimin growled as the operator hung up on him.

Jimin's POV

Producer: how did this make you feel?

Jimin: pissed of course, like I know i'm in the ghetto, but your a police officer so do your job stupid.

Producer: who do you think you are talking to?

Jimin: oh! So that stupid phone officer.

Producer: says the one who doesn't got no damn jams.

Jimin: bitch! I just happen to have jams in my arms.

Producer: at least I got a higher IQ.

Jimin: how high is your IQ, hm let me guess 12.

Producer: [ jumps out her chair to attack jimin, but then gets dragged away by security guards]

Jimin: that's why you don't mess with me bitch.

No one's POV

Jimin walked to the members and told them what happened.

" well, since this the ghetto,". Yoongi pulled out a gun and shot the woman. " yoongi, what the hell is wrong with you?" Namjoon yelled. Yoongi just shrugged and walked off to bed. The rest of the members followed soot, while Namjoon stood there in shock.

Producer: What type of drama is going on between the other members?

Jimin: well Namjoon is mad at Yoongi because he shot the woman, and now JIn and Hoseok are arguing about who is the most handsome and what not *scoff

Producer: Who do you think is the most handsomest out of the two?

Jimin: Who do I think, hmm, hobi of course.

Next Member: Namjoon and Yoongi

Producer: so, Yoongi it seems that Namjoon over here is mad about the fact that you shot that woman. Am I right Namjoon?

Namjoon: Yes, of course I am, how would you feel if you saw some poor lady get shot. Not only is the shooter someone you know but your bandmate.

Yoongi: In my defense we in the ghetto so it doesn't really matter.

Namjoon: *Gasp*

Yoongi: *GaSp*

Producer: What if I tell you the woman isn't dead?

Both: What are you trying to say?

Producer: she isn't dead, she survived because there was a lot of cash taped to her chest.

Yoongi: What!, I shot money. Man I could've used a couple bucks to get me some hot fries and an Ice Capp Supreme.

Namjoon: This woman survived and all you can think of is food?

Yoongi: Yep!

Producer: Anyway, there is some controversy between Hosoek and Jin. And who is the most handsomest. So who is your pick?

Namjoon: Jin

Yoongi: HOSEOK!

Producer: Thank you, both.

Next members: Taehyung and Jungkook

Producer: So i'm guessing you've been hearing about what is happening around here. What's your thoughts?

Taehyung: I think this is so stupid and ghetto.

Jungkook: I'm lowkey scared of Yoongi hyung now.

Producer: ok, now who is the most handsomest between JIn and Hoseok.

Jungkook: Jin Hyung, because he and Namjoon Hyung are like my second parents.

Taehyung: yeah, I have to agree with you Kookie.

Both: ^high fives^

Producer: *chuckles* well thank you both.

Last Members: Hoseok and Jin

Producer: ok, so you guys are arguing over who is the most handsomest.

Jin: well, it's obviously me who is the most handsomest. Cause even the fans say i'm WORLDWIDEHANDSOME.

Hoseok: you know what I don't care anymore.

Producer: well, the other members had their own opinion on who is the most handsomest.

Pulls up the votes

Jin: 3%


Jin: how about I stick to being handsome and you stick to being cute.

Hoseok: deal

Both: ^shakes each other hands^

Producer: ok. Thanks and good luck.

We are now cuddled up together. Namjoon leans over to kiss Jin on the lips while Tae and Kookie snuggle into them. Yoonminseok blushingly look at each other lovingly.

The peace feels every lasting

For now hehe!!

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