Second Heartbeat

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        The few weeks before Knotfest went by quickly; we trained Arin a little bit more on how to play the more difficult songs, we went over a setlist, we set up bunk arrangements (Arin would take my bunk and I would take Jimmy's, seeing as he didn't feel comfortable laying where Jimmy used to at the moment) and before we knew it, we were waking up bright and early to climb aboard the big tour bus. Brian had steadily been gaining weight back over the past few weeks, and it gave me a little bit of hope to know that maybe, just maybe, he was going back to his old self.
        Zacky had pretty much seemed to grow back to an 'okay' state, but there was still something wrong. I was always able to tell when Zacky wasn't okay. Johnny didn't cry nearly as much anymore, and he seemed to get his 'little shit' mentality back. That's what Jimmy always told him. He was a little shit, and Johnny loved to hear it.
        As I stuffed the last t-shirt in my bag and zipped it up, I heard the honking of a horn, and I knew the bus was outside my apartment. I padded down the staircase quickly, nearly tripping on the way down; in spite of that, I make it downstairs safely, and I lock up the apartment before jogging outside, meeting the doors just as they open with a soft squeak of protest. That door needs to be fixed, it's almost as annoying as your attraction to Corey. My brain teased, and I visibly frowned as I climbed the steps, hearing the door close behind me.
        "Matt!" I heard a deep voice call as I was putting my bag in the drawer underneath my bunk, and as I turned around, I was met with arms around my torso and a rough tackle to the ground. I hit the floor with a loud grunt and thud, and as I looked up, I saw Brian there, grinning and looking happier than I've seen him in a few years. "Hi!"
        "Hey, dude!" I laughed as he stood up, offering me his hand so I could do the same; I took it, hoisting myself to my feet and giving him a big hug. "What was that all about?" I asked skeptically, earning a playful grin from him once again.
        "Just really happy to see you again, is all." He said, blushing a little bit. That made me smile. Zacky passed by with a, 'Hey, Matt' as he was playing on his phone, and I watched as Brian's eyes trailed after him, a dreamy look swirling in them. He gave a soft, dazed smile as his cheeks turned a little red before he turned to look back at me. "Don't look at me like that!" He hissed as I gave him a teasing narrow of the eyes.
        "You have the hots for Zaaaaack, don't you?" I teased quietly, and he blushed even more, swatting at my chest. I laughed, patting his head a little bit. "Don't worry. I won't tell him.. EventhoughI'mprettysurehehasthehotsforyoutoo." I said those last words quickly and quietly before I turned around, walking towards the front of the bus with Brian hot on my heels.
        "What?!" He said, and I turned around, raising an eyebrow at him before continuing on, not saying a word. "Come on, Matt! What did you just say?!" I shrugged, plopping down near the window and cracking it a bit before lighting a cigar. "Maaaaaaatt!" He whined.
        "I didn't say anything." I answered simply, blowing the smoke in the direction of the window. He groaned loudly before crossing his arms, sitting across from me on the other sofa. I simply laughed, continuing to blacken my lungs with the cigar as Johnny came up and sat next to me.
        "Sooooo, Matt, I heard something about you and Corey.." He said with a sly wink, and I blushed brightly. What had been said? Or, rather that, who had found out? Maybe Corey had said something.. I thought as I raised an eyebrow at Johnny.
        "Oh?" I simply ask, seeing Brian grin out of the corner of my eye. Zacky plops down next to him, earning a blush from the brown-eyed guitarist.
        "I wanna hear this." Zacky taunts, and I shrug, continuing to smoke my cigar, almost as though I was trying to forget about what had happened between me and Corey. I had kissed him, for God's sake! Why would anyone want to remember their fuck up?
        "What exactly did you hear?" I ask, and Johnny gives me a sly grin, almost like he's trying to stall enough to make me finally confess. "Seriously, what did you hear?" I press, and Johnny grins still, not saying a word.
        "I just heard you two may have locked lips, is all," Johnny said, and as soon as he says this, Arin comes in, raising his eyebrows. "Not you two, I mean." He says, nodding to Arin. "Apparently Matt laid a kiss on Corey Taylor a while back!" My face immediately turned crimson. Good job, dumbass, now everyone knows Johnny isn't just joking.
        "Did you really?" Brian asks, almost like he doesn't completely believe Johnny. Maybe I could just tell them no and confront Corey about telling people later on when we're at the first venue. Speaking of which, it shouldn't be long until we're there.. I hope I get to see Corey before we go on stage. What the fuck, Matt? Are you in love with him or something? My brain taunts.
        Am I?
        "Yeah, and I even heard Corey liked it." Johnny teases, and I look over at him, my eyebrows raised. Did he really? No, he couldn't have possibly liked it; he pulled away, for God's sake! Of course he didn't like it. Otherwise he would have kissed me back, smiled, something. "Gonna tell us what it was about, Matt? Got a mancrush?"
        "I was hammered, and I was upset. I kissed him. It didn't mean anything." My heart sinks a little bit as I say anything; everyone knows it meant something to me, but God knows that Corey just dismissed it as me being drunk. I wasn't even that fucking drunk. "When are we gonna be at the venue?" I ask, trying to change the subject.
        "In about 30 minutes," Zacky says, not looking up from his phone. I can see Brian watching him out of the corner of his eye with that same dreamy look on his face, and that makes me smile. I just wonder if they're going to try and get together, or if they're just going to stay quiet about their feelings for each other. Maybe I should tell one of them individually.. Nah, I won't be that asshole.

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