Until The End (Final Chapter)

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        A year later; December 28th, 2014.

        I sat on my knees in the cold, crunchy grass in front of Jimmy's gravestone with my boyfriend's arm around my shoulder. Even though it had been five years to the day since Jimmy's passing, it still stung like it was just yesterday. That's the funny thing about death, though; no matter how long you've been repairing, it'll still make you sad just like it happened a week before. What makes the difference is how you cope. Alcohol, drugs, friends, time.. They all have a different, lasting affect. Which one's good for who? Well, that's for you to decide. Death affects everyone in different ways, the way it affects you will depend on who you are.
        Life is a blissful lie, and death is a painful truth. It's cliche, but everybody's got to die sometime. Nobody can live forever. Well, that's a lie.. No human can live forever. Legends won't ever die. The people they love, their fans, their friends, their family, as long as those people keep the legacy alive, the person will live on. Another cliche fact is that they'll live in your heart. The memories of them laughing, smiling, hugging you, comforting you, every little memory will stick. Even things you didn't think you would remember, they'll always be around.

        The truth is, legends will live foREVer, if you'll let them.

        "I miss him.." I murmured, seemingly to myself, reaching out to touch the chilled marble of his gravestone. Corey nodded, putting both arms around my shoulders as he gave me a soft, comforting hug from behind while giving my ear a gentle kiss. "I think I always will, but.. I'm learning that death isn't always the end of the world.." I sniffled, wiping my eye to rid myself of the hot tears that had began to surface on my lower eyelid.
        "Death has a funny way of showing up when it's least wanted," Corey said, scooting up to sit next to me as he also grazed his fingertips across the lettering of Jimmy's gravestone. "I think it's done to test us, you know? To test our mental strength." I nodded, resting against his shoulder with a heaving sigh. It was cold enough outside now that my breath came in clouds. It was just three days after Christmas, and, well.. You could never have a Christmas without Jimmy.
        "I just wish.. I don't know. It sounds horrible to say I wish it was someone else." I shrugged, pulling the three page note that I had written earlier from my hoodie pocket. I dug a small pocket in the ground before placing the note into it and then covering it with the spare dirt, wiping my hands on my jeans after doing so.
        "It's a normal reaction." He murmured, kissing my cheek and placing his hand over mine. I shrugged, feeling the sting of tears beginning to form in my eyes. "I felt that way a lot when Paul died, you know..? I wished it was me.."
        "It sounds horrible, but.. I'm glad it wasn't." I whispered, leaning against him as much as I could without making him fall over. He nodded, holding me closer with one arm. We sat like this for longer than I bothered to keep track of, before I finally stood up; he did the same, lacing his fingers through mine as he did this.
        "Come on, let's go home, that new episode of Law and Order is gonna be on soon.." He said quietly, making me laugh as we slowly made our way back to his truck. I gave one last, longing glance towards Jimmy's grave, and as I did, I swear I could see the shape of a tall, lanky man standing behind it. The funny thing is... He had wings.

        We arrived at home a few short minutes later, and even though I'd been living with him for six months or so, Corey's house never ceased to amaze me. His floors were done in dark cherry wood they were so shiny and spotless, I could see my reflection in each panel. His walls were stark white with black trimming on the bottom, and he had a chandelier that would make the richest man in the world jealous. There were three floors, each of which with a different design theme. The first floor was reserved for the living room and kitchen, the second was for bathrooms and the laundry room, and the top floor was for our bedroom and storage rooms.

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