A Little Piece of Heaven

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        The three days that Corey remained in the hospital nearly crawled by. I watched him slowly become stronger and more able to do things on his own, and soon enough, it was time for him to be discharged.  I couldn't help but stare as he slipped out of his hospital gown, quickly trading the itchy cloth for his street clothes that I'd brought over from the bus. As he pulled up his jeans, I stepped around the other side of the hospital bed, quickly throwing my arms around him.
        "What's this for..?" He murmured in my ear after gently kissing my cheek and putting his own arms around my torso. I nuzzled my face deep into his shoulder, simply breathing in his scent for a few moments. I just wanted to savor this feeling for a little bit. I wasn't sure how long Corey would stick around, so I wanted to drink in as much of him as I could.
        "I just.. I was so scared that you were.. You know.." I whispered shakily, and his arms tightened around me, almost as though he was afraid to let me go at the moment. He locked his fingers into the soft strands of my hair, and placed his other hand on the small of my back before he began to gently rock me back and forth.
        "I promise you I won't ever do that to you again..." He lows into my ear, and I nod, sniffling softly and attempting to blink away the hot tears that had transpired on my eyelids. After a minute or two of hugging, there's a knock on the door. "Come in." Corey says, slipping away from my body as the doctor comes into the room.
        "Good to see you're feeling better, Mr. Taylor," He said, flashing a quick smile before writing a few things on his ever-present clipboard. "I've written you a prescription for nausea, you can fill it whenever you need it. Try to be careful this time, your friend here was worried sick about you." I blushed at these words. Why does everyone have to make it so painfully obvious that I'm in love with him? My brain asked as the doctor handed over the prescription slip, and Corey gave him thanks before he then left the room.
        "Worried sick, huh?" He said, not looking up at me. I shrugged, still blushing a violent red color as I shoved my hands in my pockets, trying to avoid looking at anything but Corey. "You weren't throwing hospital beds out of windows looking for me, were you?" He teased, making both of us chuckle softly.
        "No.. But I'm pretty sure the nurses hate me now." I answered, and he looked up at me with an amused grin on his face. "Well, I kinda told one of them off because she was being a bitch. No biggie." I shrugged again. I seemed to be doing that a lot here lately, and I wasn't exactly sure why. Maybe it was because Corey made me feel pretty peaceful, so nothing really bothered me; except for what Jim had said. That still made my blood burn like lava.
        "Sounds like you." He said, laughing. "Well, I've got my stuff all ready to go. Shall we go, Mr. Sanders?" He played formal, presenting his arm. I hooked mine through it, smiling brightly at him as I did this. I'm so glad that he's feeling better. The guys will surely be happy to see him tonight..
        "We shall, Mr. Taylor." I said, leading him out of the room, over-playing our affection to make people think we were just being silly best friends; but Corey and I knew much, much better than that. We eventually made our way out of the front door to the hospital, and as we rounded the corner of the building, I slipped my arm from his. He began to protest, but I quickly pushed him against the wall, lacing both of our hands together before I smashed my lips to his in a feverish, sloppy kiss.
        "Matt.." He moaned into my mouth, tilting his head to deepen our affectionate display; I began to breathe huskily, suddenly feeling more overcome with my urges than I've been in several years. My hips almost involuntarily pressed to his, and I could feel his legs buckle a bit underneath me.
        "That's just the start.." I whispered hotly in his ear after pulling away from the kiss, and as I looked down into his face again, I saw that his cheeks were blistering red and his eyes were probably equal to the size of the moon. I could see the desire flickering in his eyes like a wild fire, and I knew he couldn't wait much longer than I could. "I have a plan for tonight.. Play along with it, okay?"
        "Okay.. J-just asking, though.. The start of what?" He asked nervously as I began to lead him away from the side of the building. Giving a small chuckle, I looked over at him with what I had hoped was a devious smirk, deciding to keep my mouth shut as we continued to walk. "No, Matty, seriously!" Matty?
"Matty, huh?" I growled playfully, attempting to change the subject without it being painfully obvious. For Corey to be so straightforward and unashamed of how he felt, he was pretty clueless at times. "Come on, let's get back to the bus. The guys are waiting to see you." And with that, we began our trek across town, back to the area where the Avenged Sevenfold bus was parked.

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