Brompton Cocktail

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        I awoke to find Corey still sleeping soundly against my chest, occasionally making a soft grunting noise and nuzzling deeper into my skin, giving me goosebumps all over my body. His soft, slow breaths rolled across my bare skin, and I scooted over a bit, tugging the covers up and over the both of us, when I noticed a set of milky brown eyes staring at me through the crack in the bunk curtain. It was Johnny. Dammit, Johnny! I thought as he ran off, giggling. Probably to tell the guys everything he'd just witnessed.

        "Matt," Corey groaned sleepily, and I looked down at him, expecting to see his eyes open; he seemed to still be asleep, though. "Matt, no.. Don't.. Don't go.." I gasp softly, cradling him a little closer to my body and kissing his forehead. "Matt!" He shouts, sitting straight up, his eyes immediately swiveling downwards to lock with mine.

        "A-are you okay?" I whisper, and I can see the tears forming in his bright blue eyes. He leaned down, burying his face in my neck and sobbing softly, his arms immediately wrapping around my torso. "Corey, it's okay.. I'm here.." He continues to cry into my skin, his grip around me tightening as he does. I kiss the top of his forehead as his body begins to practically vibrate from his violent sobbing.

        "I-I had a nightmare.. That you.." He barely manages. "You died the same way Paul did.." I bury my face into his hair, gently rocking him back and forth as though I was comforting Jimmy. Woah, what the fuck, brain? Why would you even say something like that? I thought.

        "I'm not leaving, okay?" I whispered into his hair. "I won't ever leave you like that. You never have to worry about that." He nods into my skin, and I nod as well, running my fingers through his hair a little more as I do this. "Come on, we'll get you into the shower, it'll help you feel better." He looks up at me with teary eyes before he nods, and I climb out of the bunk, taking his hand and leading him to the bathroom once he does the same.

        "W-would you.." He stutters, suddenly blushing and looking away. I raised an eyebrow, eyeing him down a little bit as he slipped his sweatpants off, now standing in only his socks and boxers. "Would you shower with me? I-I don't really want it to be.. Sexual, I guess.. Just.. I like having a shower buddy.." I blushed deeply, the sink seeming to become the most interesting thing in the bathroom at the moment.

        "I-I.. Yeah, sure, why not?" I finally bucked up, slipping out of my shorts and boxers, and his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as he looked down towards the spot just below my waist. Well, they don't call me Horse Cock Sanders for nothing. I looked up at him with an eyebrow raised and a soft  smirk on my lips as I tugged my socks off, quickly brushing past him and turning the water on. "Well, you aren't gonna shower in your underwear, are you?" I teased.

        "R-right.." He muttered, slipping his own boxers and socks off, and I couldn't help but stare a little bit. Hey, you try not to stare when someone as hot as Corey Taylor is standing completely naked in front of you. I stepped into the shower stall, taking his hand and assisting him in doing the same; he blushed deeply at our closeness, and all I could really do was smirk at how shy he was being. Last night, he seemed to be ready to go full steam ahead, but now.. He was being all reserved, and it was adorable.

        "You're pretty adorable right now," I whispered softly before backing him against the shower wall and kissing him deeply. He moaned quietly into my mouth, one hand placed on the small of my back and the other tangled in my hair. I did pretty much the same, tilting my head a little bit to deepen the kiss as the water rolled across our backs and shoulders, steam quickly fogging up the glass doors of the shower stall.

        "Matt!" He gasped quietly between our slurred lips, and I couldn't help but chuckle, my hands gripping at his firm, well-shaped hipbones. I furrow my eyebrows as his soft moans and gasps begin to turn me on a little bit (there's your shower info, wink wink) and I press my hips harder against his. "Just take me, already.." He growled into my mouth.

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