Coming Home

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        Over the next month and a half or so, Corey and I spent more and more time together, even announcing to the audiences that we were now a couple. We loved being with each other, and yes, to answer your question, we made love quite often when nobody was around or when everyone was asleep. On our way back to California, he and I simply laid in the bunk together, held in one another's arms, not saying a word except for the occasional, 'love you, love you too' muttered back and forth. It was peaceful. It was the most content I've been in a long time.

        Soon enough, Knotfest was over, and we were on the bus back to California after a day or two spent in the last town, just relaxing and recuperating. The strange thing is, this tour started out with us being reluctant to perform or even see one another, and now, we were pretty torn up that we'd be parting ways, even if it was just for a day before we were all back together, hanging out and drinking.

        "Can I ask you a question?" Corey murmured quietly as I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat slowly. I nodded, not removing my head, and he stroked my hair a little bit before continuing. "Would you consider moving in with me?" I froze. Nobody had ever asked me to move in with them. I slowly raised my head to look at him, and he bit his lip, seeming to think that he'd just fucked up. "I-I mean, you don't.. Have to, it's just a.. A thought.." He added.

        "Corey.. I.. I'd love to move in with you, actually." I whispered back, and he smiled widely before leaning forward and planting a deep kiss on my lips. I placed the palm of my hand on his jawline to hold him there for a second before he pulled away, still allowing his lips to linger near mine as he continued to smile. "Can I tell you something?" I asked softly, and he nodded, signaling for me to go ahead. "You have really pretty eyes.. Like, that night I was drunk and you helped me off the ground, I couldn't stop staring at them.."

        "I noticed." He growled playfully, nuzzling into my cheek as he said this. I chuckled softly, resting my hand on the back of his head as his breath rolled across my neck and I sighed contently, feeling at peace once again. The bathroom door swung open, and I craned my neck upwards to peek past the top wall of my bunk; I saw Brian and Zacky coming out of the bathroom, water dripping from their hair and their chests heaving as they panted. I knew that body language all too well.

        "Have fun with your shower?" I asked them as they passed, and Brian glanced at me, giving a playful wink before smacking Zacky's rear as he swiftly brushed past him, earning a loud, 'hey!' from the rhythm guitarist. Corey and I both chuckled as they laced their fingers together, then drifted out of our viewing area.

        "Reminds me of us." Corey muttered, and I grinned, kissing his neck once or twice on his Chinese letter tattoo.

        "Certainly does.. Wonder who tops in their situation." I said casually, causing him to look down at me with an eyebrow raised. "I'm just sayin'! I've known them for years and I've never really been able to figure out who tops.. I mean, Bri is a lot more dominant onstage, being lead guitarist and all, but Zee likes to take control of situations when we're not performing.." Suddenly, Zacky's head popped through the door to the bunk area, making Corey and I both raise an eyebrow.

        "For the record," He snapped playfully. "It's me."

        "Like hell it is!" Brian's voice called from behind Zacky. "You were moaning my name against the shower wall earlier, babe!" I laughed, burying my face into Corey's shoulder. That's gross, my brain said.

        "Gross!" Johnny and Arin said in unison. The entire bus erupted into laughter, which made me feel.. I don't know. I felt happy that we could all laugh for once, even though just a few weeks ago, I almost lost my boyfriend; and before that, I lost my best friend. But with the help of Arin and Corey, we were all starting to get our smiles back. At first, I thought the world was ending. That's why I wrote Tonight the World Dies because I was so sure that I wouldn't be able to make it through Jimmy's passing; but I was wrong. You have to put enormous pressure on coal to make it into a diamond, and that's exactly what happened with this situation. We were run down, tired, emotional, but now we were back and better than ever, and it felt great.

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