Surprise Ending

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So this day was Christmas Party Day and we were all set up. I also sneakily put a mistletoe toe up for for guest. Everyone came in and had few little stops for pictures like Bianca and Jose. They walked in at the same time, I stopped them and pointed up at the mistletoe. Bianca's face lit like a red tomato, Jose grabbed her by the waist and kissed like it was the new years eve. I took a picture of the moment and the left holding hands. As I watched them leave I heard the most beautiful Christmas song ever. It was Mary Did You Know by Pentatonix and Dana turned me around to face him. He put his cupped my cheeks and said "I will always stick by you" then he kissed me. I looked at Dana and he just looked like the most perfect boy ever. Then all the bands got set for the first song. We went in front of them and started dancing until they played a slow song. Dana held out his hand for me to give to him while bowing. I gave him my hand and he pulled me close, whispering "Follow me". I did as he said and we slowed danced to a rock band. He spun me around and landed with him hugging my front behind. He laid his chin on my shoulder and we b rocked back and forth. I loved being in his arms because it felt like I was protected. He spun me back around and I didn't fall at all in shock since I was in boots. He look at me with his gorgeous eyes and laid my head on his shoulder as we rocked back and forth.

------Omari P.O.V-----

Will was being so sweet to me and he treated me like a queen. I know I'm sometimes a handful due to my bipolar issues. But he takes it like a brush of wind on a summer day. "Omari" Will yelled as he signaled me to come towards him. I was walking towards him and I saw a little black box in his back pocket. "You know I love you and I would spend the rest of my life with you, I hope one day we'll have two little bipolar Willias running around our house" Will said as I tried not to cry. "So I would like to do something special for you" Will grabbed a glass and tapped on it to get everyone's attention and winked at the guys. Dana and Cole grabbed Kayyla and Chelle's hand and brought them by me. Will, Dana, and Cole stood in front of us and got on one knee. They pulled put out three little boxes and taking turns, said "Will...You...Marry". "Me" and they stood there staring at us for an answer. "Group Talk" I yelled and we went into a huddle for us and turned back around. "No" we said in unison and everyone's faces went into shock. We went up to them and sat on their legs and saw their sad faces. "Just kidding, YAAASSSSSSSSS WE'LL MARRY YOU" Chelle yelled. Their faces lit up and they put the rings on or finger.

-------Kayyla P.O.V------

Cole grabbed me to lift me above him and he spun me around while smiling til his checks went to red hot. He put me down and I went by the girls to brag about the rings we had. "Know we have to wait till all of us turn 18 to actually get married" I said then we all laughed. Ashli lipped me and Chelle to come and get ready for the performance and me and her ran to her. Our performance came and I was nervous as hell.

------Dana P.O.V-----

Chelle came on and I was amazed at her how she her body moved and she looked so beautiful. It was part of the show when Chelle had trust fell off the stage on her back and shockingly, the audience popped her back up. The performance was amazing and when it ended, Chelle came to me with a hug and a kiss. Next, Omari and Jada came to the front and Adé too as the guitar player. They song Little Drummer Boy and the lights went down but the front was bright to show who was singing. Omari pointed at Chelle to join and a sing because she loved that song. They had three mins that everyone thought was for Adé but I guess not. She sounded like an angel and didn't know her voice could go so high. Omari, Adé, and Jada left the stage but Chelle stayed and announce that she was going to sing another song. She started to sing and the song clicked instantly. It was Primetime by Janelle Monáe and that was or song this month. She pulled me up stage as Miguel's part of the song came and before I knew I was singing with her. The song ended and I swept Chelle off her feet and went off the stage. I put her down under the mistletoe and pointed up towards it. She looked up and I stared at how her eyes lit up the room with her gorgeous eyelashes. She looked at me and bit her lip because she knew that made look even sexier. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine's around her waist. Then she clenched, pulled away, and ran towards the bathroom. I followed her to help her hair as she threw up. So many thoughts ran through my head. When she was done, she looked at me and said "You don't think I'm..." I cut her off by saying "Stay here" and drove to the store.

*An hour later*

She came out the bathroom with the test in her hand and a face of disappointment. "So what does it say" I asked with everyone surrounding the bathroom and she responded "Positive".

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