Glorious Gabe

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So we were on set, the sence was me and Dana meeting, then we instantly fall in love but doesn't show it. We've been on set for the past month and we were able to have a 3 day break. So we decided to go to a amateur strip club because Gabe loves to be shirtless. We snuck in and Gabe had a costume that he didn't want to show us yet. The night started and everyone was a little parched and we all agreed on one drink so I went to get some drinks. I walk up to counter to ask for 9 Cokes but the man was taking forever. While I'm waiting, I feel someone put arms around me. I smiled then looked at their arms which was slightly lighter than mine's.  I turn around while grabbing his arm and pinning down to ground. I knew it wasn't Dana but when I tried to find him, He was gone. Then the guy I pinned did a reverse move and pinned me. We were in a position where im laying on the floor with his and pinning my wrist to the floor. He has his legs bent on both sides on me and I couldn't move. I looked at his face and it looked very familiar.  "Damn Chelle, you strong as hell" the guy said. "Dimetire?" as I recognized his tone and his features. "You can't be rolling up on people, man" as I push him and punch him. I swear that boy was gorgeous but as gorgeous as Dana. Then I introduced him to the crew except Dana. "Where's wonderful boyfriend" I asked and everyone was confused. "Wait, what does your "Boyfriend" look like?" "Light skin about your skin complection and curly hair" I replied. "Oh you should really break up with him because..." he said. "Umm why, Dinetire", "He left with a Hispanic girl to go upstairs ". I ran upstairs to find what I never wanted to see in my life. Dana and a girl kissing, my mind filled up with rage and schemes while my heart was just heart broken. So I slowly snuck behind the couch they were kissing on. Then slowly stood up and watch them kiss until they finally saw me. I flip Dana off, jump in between them and put my arms behind their backs. "So what the hell is going on here" I asked in a calm but angry tone. "Chelle, I can expli---" "No...I want to know who this bish is" and my southern accent got stronger. "That's Becky G...Chelle let me explain, I sa----" I cut him off when I slowly got while not taking my eyes off Becky then by the arm of the couch by Becky. She stayed still while looking at Dana for help. "Chelle...don't take it out on her, take it out on me" Dana said while looking at me like I had a pistol to her head. The crew ran up stairs and stop at the door when they saw me and stood quietly. I leaned down to Becky's pretty litte ear. "He's all yours now" I whispered and her I eyes widened of shock. I stold up straight "Have fun" then walked out and Dimetire agreed to take me home. I got home laid in Dana's bed and locked the door so he would sleep on the couch. I woke up the next morning to find Dana sleeping on the couch. I quickly made breakfast for the both of us and ate. Took a shower with music blasting, brushed me teeth, and got dressed up. I put my red lipstick on and my high tops. Headed downstairs until I heard a doorbell. It was Dimetire that was going to take me to lunch then a movie. As I was about to leave, I felt a grasp on my hand. " Please let me explain to you what happened Chelle" Dana begged. I snatched my hand back "Go have fun with Becky, we had a fun run but you fucked it up so goodbye Dana" then I closed door and went on my date with one of exes.

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