Episode One, Part 3:

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Episode One, Part 3: 
R e a l   o r   N o t   R e a l

I'd die for you, that's hard to do. We have a list of people that 
we would take a - bullet for them, a bullet for you. 
A bullet for everybody in this room. 

Atlantis stood in the line for the gates, waiting to get the timing right as Sol passed by with her team in tow. Kodiak walked by, followed by Dreea, Wynn, and the rest of the group. As the guards all focused on the Nobel up ahead, Atlantis jumped in line at the back of the group, walking closely behind Fabian who didn't seem to notice the sudden movement behind him. 

Sol stopped at the front of the gates, checking to make sure that everyone Wynn had selected was with them, ready to take her place at the back. 

Atlantis kept her head down, foolishly hoping she wouldn't be caught, but Sol noticed straight away. 

"Hey." She grabbed onto her wrist, pulling her out of the line. "What are you doing, Atlantis?" 

The girl sighed, pulling the hood down from her head, watching as everyone waited outside the gates. 

"I was going to join you." 

Sol ooked over at Wynn and the other two Sovereigns, as if to see if they were aware of this. Wynn shook his head slightly, informing Sol that she wasn't one of the people he had decided to take with them. 

"We have enough people. Besides, it's not safe outside at the moment if you don't know what you're doing-" 

"Exactly!" Atlantis cut her off excitedly, like she was relieved that Sol had brought up an important argument. 

Sol titled her head, not sure what she was trying to say. 

"I want to be able to fend for myself out there. I want to be...like you." She admitted shyly. 

Sol bit down on her lip, sighing. She was slowly accepting Atlantis, but denying that at the same time - still not ready to accept her for what she was. 

"My hand's fine now." Atlantis lied, rolling up her sleeve to show Sol that she didn't have a brace on anymore. She still needed it, and a lot of the sensation in her hand was still missing - having to hold up her palm because it couldn't itself - but she didn't want her sister to know that. 

Wynn had made his way over - restless to get going and find something to help his sister, wanting to know what was going on with Sol. 

"What's going on?" He asked, looking between them both. 

Sol didn't budge; she was waiting on Atlantis, seeing if she had any more fight in her to persuade her place in the group. 

"You trusted him enough to let his people out in the world. What's different about my bunker?" She asked. 

Sol rolled her eyes as she looked at Wynn, having to fight off the instinct to laugh at him. It was so different to remember how intolerant they were of each other when they first met, and how challenging it was to work their way through his messes - to now, depnding on each other, some sort of unforeseen devotion between them both that couldn't be broken. 

'Wynn is different.' Sol wanted to say, but she couldn't get it to sound right. Instead, she went with: "I didn't have a choice. He forced his way out of Basilisk, and in his defence, his family did get seperated because of me. Plus, I hated him." She grinend, glancing over at Wynn in the corner of her vision, seeing him drop his head bashfully in laughter. 

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