Episode Five, Part 1:

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Episode Five, Part 1:
You'll Aways Have a Family

Wynn stood close to the group, trying to tune his ears into what they were saying, but he couldn't break away from his thoughts. 

There was anger burning inside him that his dad would call them, essentially telling him that the only way his sister would survive would be because of Targo. But underneath all that, the words that he had refused to even consider, and now they were some sort of declaration: she would be dead in a few days. 

A cold shiver shook through his body and Wynn felt suddenly jerked back into reality. He looked up, meeting eyes with Kodiak across the circle, knowing that they were both feeling just as afraid as each other. 

"Wynn, I think you need to radio him back," Dreea spoke, her voice tainted with sympathy. She knew it was a lot to ask. 

"And say what?" Wynn searched, fine with never having to speak to him again. 

"Hang on," Sol interrupted, frantically pulling out her radio as if an idea had sprung to mind. Kane's message rang through again, but Sol concentrated on twisting the tuner, continuing to do so until Kane's voice was gone. 

"What are you doing?" Kodiak asked, trying to lean over Sol to look at her hands. 

"Kane called from an unknown channel," she began, "that means he had to manually connect to our radios, suggesting that he made the decision to call himself." 

Sol glanced around at the 4 of them, seeing they weren't really following. She rolled her eyes, smiling in anticipation for when they would realize. 

"Kane said he wanted to meet us to give Elara the serum. Whether or not he's going to try and take her with him then is another thing, but what I'm saying is I think he went behind Rhea's back to send that. Otherwise, it would have come from her radio or one of Riders', or it would have actually been Rhea speaking." Sol explained. "If we don't send our response directly to his radio, we can give Rhea a chance to hear it, therefore knowing what Kane is up to." 

"But Riv, if Kane's right and Elara needs the serum soon, we could be throwing this chance away-" Kodiak muttered, his devotion for Elara clouding his judgement. 

"I know," Sol answered quickly, "so we make the meeting a decoy - obviously keeping Elara here. Rhea will assume that we meant for the message to get back to Kane, and when we tell Kane the arrangements of where to meet, she'll go with him - expecting to take us by surprise. Meanwhile, I can get to the labs when they're out and get some of the serum and bring it back here." 

There were nods from Kodiak and Dreea, contemplating the likelihood of her plan succeeding, and if there was anything else they could add to it. 

"Okay," Dreea agreed. "It's a good plan, but we need to figure out who goes where, and what do when Rhea shows up at the decoy." 

"I'll go to the labs. They'll be no need for any of them to stay there if they think they're getting their Heir. It'll be all hands on deck to bring her home-" 

"I'll go with you," Kodiak added in, barely allowing her to finish speaking. 

"No," Wynn beat Sol to it, already knowing why it wouldn't be a good idea if he went. "We need one of the Sovereigns to be at the decoy as you guys will know better than anyone what to do when Targo gets there. And one of you is supposed to stay at Basilsik in case of a sudden attack, right?" 

Kodiak nodded, not having thought of it like Wynn had, and waited for him to continue. 

"Dreea should go to the decoy, and Kodiak, I want you to stay here with Elara." 

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