14 - FPS

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"Do you two have a plan?" Naomi asked as she crept up, hugging David to her chest.

Kenneth glanced back at her and set his jaw. He looked over at Byrd. "Do we have a plan?"

She leaned back and peered around the corner then leaned forward again and reached down to her hip. "I say we charge in there and take them out. I mean, it's basic but it might work?"

Nodding, Kenneth let his eyes fall to the pistol holstered at his side. He gingerly drew it and then flipped the switch on the side so it would only fire stun bullets. He swallowed hard and let the grip settle into his hand. He hadn't actually used the pistol on anything other than vehicles and animals. It was for defense only. 

This was defense, right? Yes, I'm defending people and us. It's defense. 

Glancing at the charge, Kenneth ensured he had enough for the fight and then looked up at Byrd and nodded firmly. She nodded back and inched her way towards the corner of the wall. Kenneth slipped beside her, pressing his shoulders into the cold wall. He inhaled deeply to keep his heartbeat under control. Pain tweaked his chest and he closed his eyes a second, pressing all thoughts of anything else from his mind. Instead, he pictured David and Naomi getting out of here free beside him and Byrd. David, Naomi, and whatever other innocent prisoners were being held here. He exhaled.

"Go," Byrd whispered.

Both of them charged around the corner. Kenneth stayed back a step and pulled his pistol up quickly. His heart was pounding hard in his chest and threatened to burst out of his ribcage as he ran forward.

Guards were everywhere. Crowded around monitors and sitting around in chairs, they were packed into the room. And now they were all on their feet reaching for weapons and alarms. 

Kenneth's footsteps poudned across the floor. His eyes felt hazy, as if he couldn't truly focus on any one person. He knew he was feeling the anxiety his body was launching into, but he refused to let himself pass our ot succumb to the fear. He swung his pistol around to the right and squeezed the trigger hard. 

One of the guards yelped and slumped to the floor. Byrd dove past him and drove her knife into a man's leg before slamming her elbow into his chin and knocking him out. Kenneth tried to keep his eyes from focusing on the blood accumulating on the floor as he ran forward and squeezed off another shot. He blinked as the pistol discharged in his hand and tried not to cringe when another man yelled before falling unconscious. They weren't dead. They weren't dead. Kenneth's feet felt a bit heavier, but his head was clearing and he turned on heel to stun another guard. Two of them were rushing at him and he tried to turn. His limbs froze, sticking in place where they were. He gasped as his eyes grew wide and instinctively he flinched and stepped back. His foot came down on something soft and fleshy and he yelled, stumbling back against a console.

Byrd darted over and rammed her whole body into the man nearest Kenneth. He collapsed back into his buddy.

"Kenneth, stun them!" she yelled.

Screwing his eyes shut and still stumbling a bit, Kenneth jerked his hand up and squeezed off a barrage of shots in the direction of the men. He heard one groan, then another cried out seconds later. Kenneth opened his eyes slowly and looked up at the two collapsed guards. A breath passed his lips as he hung his head in exhaustion. Sound had ceased around him and the room was filled only with the hum of electronics and Byrd's shifting footsteps. 

"You okay?" she asked as she walked up and started to offer her hand, but hesitated and pulled it back instead.

Staring at the floor and Byrd's shoes, he nodded. "Yeah, I just tripped..."

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