Chapter 1

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I've never really thought of myself as a daring person. But standing in this slew of people outside the Winter Garden Theater, I was reconsidering that.

The line stretched down and around the block, and I was one of the lucky few who had arrived early and gotten a good spot. I was the 12th person in line, so I was sheltered from the drizzling rain by the awning.

I shivered and pulled the drawstrings on my sweatshirt a little bit tighter. I drummed my fingers against my thigh nervously and looked around me at the others, some chatting away with their neighbors, some singing and warming up, and others still scrolling through social media. Sighing, I pulled out my own phone as well, seeing I had a missed FaceTime call from my younger sister Leigh. I popped in my earbuds and hit the "return call" option on my lock screen.

She picked up on the third ring, her stark-white hair pulled up into a neat bun on the top of her head.

"Hey, Leigh! Sorry, my phone was on silent."

She grinned at me, her grey-blue eyes almost disappearing.

Leigh was my adopted sister from China. She was albino and my parents adopted her when she was three and I was five. I was now twenty-three and living in New York, while my sister was twenty-one and had opened a pottery painting and coffee shop in our home state of Alabama.

I also had two other younger siblings who were twins, who were turning 18 in about a couple weeks in December.

The boy, Aaron, had moved in with my dad's cousins up in Maine, which is where my father was from. My brother had been accepted into an art school there, and he was studying to be a photographer.

The girl twin, Elizabeth, or Lizzy, as we called her, was about to move in with me, because she had been accepted into Juilliard. She wanted to choreograph for Broadway musicals.

Anyway, Leigh pushed her thin-framed glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"How's it going?"

"Eh, it's pretty cold, right now."

"Any snow?" she asked hopefully.

I gave her a sympathetic smile and shook my head. "Nope, not yet. It's just drizzling, right now. Just messy stuff. How about there?"

She gave me a sarcastic look. "(Y/N), did you seriously just ask me if we got snow?? It's Alabama, I'm in a tank top, right now!" she said, laughing.

"Hey, you know Alabama. The weather people-"

"-Are never right," she chorused with me, smiling.

"Gosh, I miss all of you guys so much!" I gushed, leaning against the side of the theater. I sat down on the sidewalk, drawing my knees up to my chest.

"We all miss you, too. Lizzy can't stop talking about moving in with you next week," she informed me, chuckling. "Are you sure you'll be able to handle her?"

I smiled. Lizzy was sort of a troublemaker. But I waved her off.

"We'll be fine. We'll be too busy to bicker."

"Oh! I see his face behind you!" Leigh exclaimed abruptly.

I turned around and saw Alex Brightman's face on the wall that I was sitting against.

"I can't believe you're actually going to be on Broadway."

"Well, I haven't exactly gotten the part, yet."

"I know, but, I have faith in you."

"Aw, thanks," I cooed, grinning.

"Well, I got some customers coming in, so I'll let you go."

"Okay, bye!"

"Bye! Break a leg!"

She hung up.

My stomach was doing somersaults, my whole body was jittery, and I had started to sweat, despite the cold drizzle outside.

Mmm. Lovely first impression, (Y/N), I thought to myself grimly.

My head snapped to the right when I heard the double doors to the theater open. A jolt of excited murmuring sped its way through the line in front of the Winter Garden.

The crowded line began to shuffle forward painfully slowly. My heart rate increased exponentially. I took a deep breath in and exhaled, trying desperately to calm my nerves. I watched as my feet shuffled forward, trying not to puke.

Before I knew what was happening, they were calling my name. I looked up suddenly to find a woman with a clipboard and curly brown hair in front of me, tapping her pen slightly impatiently.

I apologized quietly and started down the hallway that led to the rehearsal room I was to audition in.

A few weeks prior, Beetlejuice on Broadway had announced that several of their beloved ensemble members had moved on to other shows, so they were holding auditions in order to replace them.

Beetlejuice was my favorite musical of all time, so of course I pounced on that opportunity and strangled it to death, as any avid fan girl would do.

I was suddenly knocked to the ground, for I had run into something. More like someone.

My glasses had flown off of my face during the collision, so everything was just colorful blobs and fuzzy shapes.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay??"

My heart stopped. I recognized that voice anywhere.

"Oh-oh my gosh..."

"Here, let me help you," the blob I was pretty sure was Alex Brightman said, squatting down next to me.

"I can't believe I actually ran into you! Gosh, I am so, so-"

"-Beautiful," I heard him breath.

He handed me my glasses, and when I slipped them back on, found myself face-to-face with Tony nominee Alex Brightman. He was just sort of staring at me in that way that characters in movies do when they first meet their love interest.

A blush was immediately present on my face, and I blinked a couple of times in confusion.

"Um... what?"

Realizing what he had said, Alex's face was soon as red as my own, and he quickly helped me up off of the floor.

"Sorry, that was probably super weird. I don't know what came over me," he apologized, chuckling nervously.


"Oh, that's... that's okay," I replied, equally as awkward.

"Well, uh, it was nice to meet you, but I gotta split," he said abruptly, and was speed-walking down the hall before I could even ask for a picture or a signature on my playbill.

A Perfect Broadway Cover Up (Alex Brightman/Beetlejuice x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now