Stubborn Arse

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"Doc, this is a very bad idea." you hiss as he pulls you along the corridor, his iron clad grip on your hand made your fingers ache but you wouldn't let go, this was the closest he had been near you in weeks.

He hadn't talked you in almost a month, it made travelling extremely awkward but you pushed through it despite the tension being thick enough to cut. The two of you had broken up over something that wasn't even your fault, the Doctor hated you, you loved him, it was border line messy.

His eye flick over to you, "This will work. Stop worrying, (y/n)" You wince, he hadn't called you by your name in over two years. It hurt to look at the time lord, he was amazing but stupid, not to mention his stubbornness which wouldn't allow him to listen to you.

If he would only listen to you for a minute he would come to the realisation that you hadn't cheated, you never would, especially not on him. How could you, he was everything to you. You loved him and he had loved you but not anymore, you were left loving whilst he turned to hating.

"Well, can you at least stop squeezing my hand so hard." his grip softens on your hand, you give him a small smile, "Thank you." it was silent for a minute as the two of you rushed down a corridor inside a Dalek ship, "I don't doubt you or anything but I'm fairly sure we have been going round in circles for the last five minutes. If your plans going to work, shouldn't we maybe go into the control room?"

The Doctor comes to a stand still and turns to you, he analysis's you with his soft green eyes, "How do you know we've been going around in circles?"

You nod towards a penny you had placed against a wall earlier, "I did what you told me too. Keep track of my surroundings no matter who I'm with."

A smile almost forms on his face before it fades into nothing, the Doctor looks away from you and towards an arch way. He retakes your hand and pull you towards what you assumed was finally the control room.

You watch the door way for any Daleks as the Doctor messes about with sciencey stuff that you would never understand, you eyes flick over to the time lord. A smile graces your lips as he pulls apart controls, de-wiring them and then re-wiring them. His hair moved before the rest of him did, his bow tie was crooked for the first time ever and his lips were pressed shut so tightly that he may as well of eaten a lemon.

Your face flushes red as he looks over at you, catching your starring eyes.

"What're you looking at?" he asks as he drops to the floor and crawls under the console that will most likely shut the ship down.

"A stubborn arse." your eyes flick back to the corridor, no Daleks had even attempted to follow the two of you which was just a tad suspicious.

The Doctor chuckles, "I'd rather be a stubborn arse than a che-"

"I had said this many times. I did not cheat on you. If you would just listen to me you would know that that guy kissed me, not the other way around. I don't even know the guys name. I would never do that to you, I love you." 

He shakes his head, refusing to answer you as he submerges the ship into darkness. He slides out from under the console, brushing past you as he leaves the room. The Daleks scream to each other, their voices causing your eyes to roll as you try to find the Doctor in the black of the corridor.

"Doctor?" your voice bounces off of the ships walls as the screams of the Daleks cease. You swallow hard as you turn a corner, coming face to face with one of the things you hate most in the world.

"COmPanIoN LoCAtEd."

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