Never Ending Burning

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(I don't know if this is a real warning but like, you kill peeps in this and stuff, it's a little dark.)

"She isn't someone you find, don't think for a second you will ever find her before she finds you. No, she's like a shadow, always there but when you look closer you realise that there is more than a natural darkness. Never trust a shadow, you may find it is occupied by the vashta nerada or worse, (y/n)." 

Amy leans against Rory, "Who is she, Doctor?"

The time lord sighs, his head hangs low. "My sister." Red falls in the Tardis as the lights change, something the ship tended to do when your name was mentioned. Never once had a foot been stepped in the ship, still it wasn't needed for her to know all you meant was trouble. "Which is why I need the two of you to stay in the Tardis whilst I head down."

Rory shakes his head at Amy who already had her usual defiant look on her face. "Fat chance, I want to meet this sister of yours." The Doctor eyes the Scot, his pale green irises said more than his words, telling Amy everything that she wanted to know. "Surely she can't be that bad, i'm not afraid of a shadow."

"You're not afraid of shadows because the ones you have seen in the past haven't tortured you whilst singing Gallifreyan nursery rhymes." The Tardis shudders as he guides it out of the vortex and into a void in space where the civilisations on the desolate planets knew nothing but darkness and ice. "I suppose none of this is really her fault, she spent more of her childhood with the Master then I did and then she died, but then she was resurrected, can't be good for the mind."

"She died?" asks Rory, surprised by the words of the time lord.

The Doctor nods. "Oh yes, twice, almost three times but I saved her, probably a mistake." He moves from the controls to the lower level, his sonic is pulled from his pocket and used to fuse two wires. The doctor goes back up stairs, an almost satisfied smirk look on his face.

"What did you do?" Amy stands next to him, Rory on her left. 

The Doctor points to an image of the Tardis on the ships screen. "I fixed the shields and armed them, ready for what's about to happen."

Amy cocks a brow, "Whats about to hap-" The red head watches in horror as missiles are fired from the biggest planet below, slightly few then a hundred nuclear bombs pound against the shield, attempting to break through. 

"That is whats about to happen." The Doctor says with a frown, almost upset with the fact that you were so ready to attack him. Though, why wouldn't you be, the only reason he was here was to put an end to you for good. He had a no weapon rule but he was willing to put that aside to stop you, the last family he had.

"I don't know why I bother with these fun little greetings anymore, you always ruin my surprise helloes." Your appear on the ships screen in a navy, plaid tweed suit and red bowtie, behind you are four people, gagged and hogtied. Amy couldn't believe her eyes, you were deranged yet eerily calm. What got to her most though was the suit, one so similar to the Doctors. The red head was ready to take back what she said about shadows, if this was what a shadow truly looked like then she was very much afraid. You circle the four, a skip in your step, hands behind your back. A giggle escapes you as the older woman wails and tries to reach out for her husband, you stamp down on her hand, crushing her now broken fingers into the mud. "No touching."

The Doctor studies the faces of the sobbing people behind you, they were clearly a family, all of them looked beyond similar. "Thats because they are always the same." You looked almost offended.

"Thats not true, the last time we talked which was...two hundred year ago give or take, I didn't bomb you. No no no, I set half of our home on fire, Gallifrey burned from the inside out. Did you hear the screams, I still do. Though it tends to be my own these days, do you know what happens when a time lord dies?" The Doctor shakes his head, you edge closer to the transmitter. "We don't, not really. Instead our bodies continue to make new cells whilst also burning others, meaning our veins set alight and our blood boils. The best part, we are awake the whole time, our mind can do nothing but scream and try to regenerate. Drives most crazy but not me, it made me fantastic. Although, the nightmares..." You shiver but don't lose the grin on your face.

"Look at you, nothing about what you're doing is fantastic. A whole family is behind you yet you act as if you can't hear their cries. You've gone mad, deranged. You are too far gone, even I can't save you. I'm sorry."

A hand is placed on the Doctors shoulder. "Apology sooooo not accepted." The Doctor pushes Amy and Rory away before turning to you, his sister, a murderer. "Please tell me you didn't really believe I was talking to you live." he looks down, ashamed. "You did! That makes today so much better. I don't know what's worse, the fact you thought I was still on that planet or the fact you haven't realised i've been on your little old Tardis for a week."

He peels your hand off of his shoulder and eyes your suit. "Same suit, you recorded that earlier. What did you do?" You turn him to face the screen where you are dousing the family with a clear substance, you light a match and crouch down, smiling at the young girl who couldn't be any older than fourteen.

"It'll only burn for forever, I promise." you mouth the words said by you on the screen, the Doctor watches in horror as the family are burned alive. "I made them feel what I feel. The fire, the never ending burning. The master may hear the drums but I feel the fire and it never goes away." As flesh bubbles, screams for help grow louder.

"Don't make me do this, (y/n). Please just stop, realise you're wrong. Join me on this ship, travel and adventure, fight for a cause. Not for yourself. Look at yourself, you are killing children, what part of that seems right to you."

You shake your head and laugh, you turn away from your brother and to the humans cowering behind the console. "Are you afraid? Don't be scared of me, I don't bite, I set people on fire instead. Luckily for you guys, I haven't a match on me." The Doctor tenses as you edge towards his companions, dark eyes set on Amy. "Come here." she doesn't move. "I said come here!" 

The red head jumps, she looks to the Doctor who shakes his head. "I can't do that." You give her a thumbs up.

"Smart choice, I was lying about the matches." You look from her to the man, your eyes scan over him, reading his whole life story from just his posture. "Oh look, the Doctor found a nurse."

"How did you know?" His accent was english unlike the red heads which was Scottish.

The Doctor moves himself closer to you, pushing himself between you and his companions. "She was always the smart one, too smart for her own good." he looks over his shoulder at the two behind him. "Leave us, please." They nod and scurry off.

"Now we're alone, let's talk, sibling to sibling. Murderer to murderer. I kill children but just you remember..." You look up at your older brother, a sinister look in your eye, a wicked smile on your lips. "I might be the one who starts the fires but you, Doctor, are the one who spreads them."

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