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Part 3

I had been a month since you had opened your watch, the real you had been released into the world and all it took was a single visit from your dad and his newest companions. Despite remembering the fact you were a time lord, you still attended school and acted like a normal child, if you didn't you would seem suspicious and if you were being completely honest, you couldn't be arsed dealing with any aliens at the exact moment in time.

As perusal though, you didn't have a choice. 

You walk through trafalgar square, eyes trained to the ground, hood over your head. Since opening the watch you had noticed how different you were from your human self, your clothing style and personality was nothing alike, which is why your friends probably find it hard to understand you now.

Everyone crowds around the statue in the middle of the square, curiosity gets the better of you so you edge closer. Instantly you bury yourself deeper into the cotton hood of your leather jacket, the Doctor hangs upside down out of the door of the Tardis, his feet the only thing keeping him inside. A helicopter lowers the ship to the ground where it is met by UNIT. You sigh as you push through the crowd and jump the barricade separating you from your dad.

"Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to return to the other side of the fence." A UNIT soldier says to you, his gun slightly raised.

"And i'm going to have to ask you to piss off." the soldier grabs your arm but you take a hold of his hand a flip him to the floor. "Do not touch me." He watches you with fear in his eyes. You release him and walk towards your dad, a scowl on your face. The Doctor stands with a girl, a new companion no doubt, he talks to a woman with short blond hair. "I was having a great day until I saw you on the brink of death." you say to him as you come to a stand still behind him.

He turns on his heels, instantly his arms wrap around you but you pry yourself away. "You opened it, when?"

"About a month ago, not that it matters." you look to the brunette by his side. "Kill the other two?" the Doctors face falls. "Oh, you did." you shake your head and stick your hand out towards his new companion. "(Y/n) is my name amongst humans but my real name is the Professor, you are."

She furrows her brow as she takes your hand, shaking it once before dropping it. "Clara Oswald."

"Now that we are all caught up, why were you hanging out of the Tardis, I told you to close the door. Also your little soldier over there is going to need something  for his wrist, an ice pack maybe." you say to the blond with a shrug of your shoulders.  She looks over to the soldier who was cradling his arm.

"Who are you?" she asks, her eyes narrowed and suspicious.

You feign hurt, pressing a hand to your heart. "Has he never talked about me." The Doctor catches your eye. "I don't suppose he would after what he did. Well, may as well introduce myself as the Doctors daughter." Everyones eyes widen as they look at the other time lord behind you. "Anyways, shock over. If he's here and being called in by UNIT, that I helped create by the way, I need to be here. So whats the issue, Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans or psycho chickens?"

"Its easier if we just show you."

"Coolio, lead the way."

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