Chapter 1

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Milo's POV

It was never supposed to happen. I was never supposed to fall for Landon King.
I hated myself for it.

He is 6 foot tall, had wavy brown hair with gorgeous blue eyes and had deep dimples.  He was athletic. I could tell that he had abs. He was known for being the bad boy that did the most mischievous things.

Me on the other hand, was the complete opposite of him. I am 5 foot 8 and I have wavy, messy hair with brown eyes. I know, simple. I also don't like talking to people. I guess you could say that I'm shy.

I mean, he wasn't even gay and he always had the sluttiest girlfriends. One was called Rebecca. I know right, the name literally goes with her. She slept with whatever she could find. Especially the hot guys. 

Landon always hung out with his friends. I think he knew he has fake friends but just didn't want to admit it. I have to say this though. Jess has always been there for Landon and I honestly respect him for that. Jess is dating a girl named Lauren. She is one of the sweetest girls I can think of. I have never seen her yell or talk bad about someone. Plus, she's vegan. I mean, c'mon, she's perfect.

Landon and I usually have the same classes. He always sits in the back with his friends, but today he sat near the front. He looked kind of upset and tired. Like he hasn't slept in days.

He was wearing a plain white shirt, a necklace, and baggy ripped jeans.

I wanted to ask what was wrong but I also didn't want to be nosy. What if he didn't want me to ask?

"Morning everyone," started Mrs. Parks, "I hope everyone had a nice weekend."

It could've been better. I thought.

"We are going to try doing something different today," she continued, "I'm to pair you up into a group of two. Don't get too excited, its going to be with someone you rarely talk to or even have never talked to before."

"The assignment is to get to know about this person for a week, and then draw everything you learned about them. Try to fit it all down. The both of will share the same grade. For example, if Harry got an 80 then so would Elizabeth."

"Are you saying that Elizabeth and I are going to be partners?" called out Harry.

"Correct." Answered Mrs. Parker with a smile.

Why couldn't she just make an assignment where we could work alone or at least with someone we knew?

The only friend I actually have and love is Leah. My beautiful best friend. She has long pinkish hair, hazel, sometimes blue eyes, and she was 5 foot 4 inches tall. She has been in my life ever since we were in the 4th grade. She wasn't scared of anything or anyone. I trust her with my life.

I hope Mrs. Parks puts Leah and I together because honestly as much as I like Landon, I don't want to be with him.

My future senses are telling me that some cliché love story thing about to happen. I know she is about to say that Landon is going to be my partner.

I shook my head and Leah and I looked at each other. I knew we were both thinking the same thing because we were crossing our fingers. Something we've been doing since elementary school.

"Class quiet down," she said, "I hope you don't know this person that I'm about to give you."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, "Leah, you're with Jess."

I know she did NOT jus- "Rebecca and Ricky. Tommy and Lilly. Alexa and Lauren." she said calmly.

"Blah and blah. Blah and blah. Blah and blah." That's all I heard come out of her mouth.

"Milo, you're with.."

Please don't be Landon. Please don't be Landon.


Great. Just amazing.

This is my first story so please bear with me here. I hope you enjoyed it though :) Please vote :3 - maddie

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