Chapter 7

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Landon's POV

I'm so dumb. I'm so dumb. I'm so dumb. Why would I kiss him I just told him not to kiss me? I'm such a hypocrite.

While he was yelling at me, he had tears almost coming out of his eyes. Once he walked away, I knew that his tears were gone. Who knew kissing him would be such a bad idea? Does Milo have feelings for me, or is it because I told him to forget what happened at my house?


I heard the first bell ring, so I went to science class, Mr. Turner's class. I got there and of course I was late. Everyone was staring at me.

"Mr. King, you're late." he questioned, "Why is that?"

"Now I know that." I shrugged, "I went to use the bathroom. Y'know the thing you use. It has 'use' in the name now, c'mon."

The class laughed, while Mr. Turner rolled his eyes, "Take a seat." he announced.

I looked to the side and saw Milo sitting there. I didn't know he was in this class. Maybe I just never payed attention to him, or have even seen him in this class before. He only recently caught my eye.

I didn't want to sit next to him but it was the only seat left. This is so annoying. I went up to him and sat in the next to him, but I acted like he wasn't even there.

I glanced at him for a moment and noticed his eyes were pink. He noticed I was looking and his face turned bright red. I can't believe I made him cry.

"Don't look at me like that." he whimpered.

"I'm not looking at you in any type of way. You're not that important to be looking at." I replied.

"Nice to know." He said as he grabbed his stuff and asked the teacher if he could the bathroom.

Why would he take everything with him? Is he coming back? this the part where I go after him? I guess so.

I raised my hand, "Mr. Turner, may I go use the bathroom?"

"No. You just told me that you used the bathroom. Now you need to go again?" I nodded.

"First of all, I told you that like what—ten minutes ago? Also, you don't understand my bladder." I stated.

"Quickly." I ran off the bathroom.

I walked in and heard Milo weeping in the corner with the palm of his hands on his eyes. I hated seeing him like that. But then again, it was probably because of me.

He looked up at me and wiped his tears away with his sweater. I sat in the space next to him.

"Look, I should've never kissed you that day at your house. It ruined everything. I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"It's not your fault. It's mine. I'm the one who got hard. I shouldn't have told you to forget it. It happened and I was being a prick about it." I explained, "We're just partners for a project."

"Don't kiss me out of nowhere then. At least ask me before..jeez." he sighed.

"I'm not gay." I stated.

"I can tell." he chuckled, leaving to walk out the door.

I quickly grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into my lap. I pulled his face in and kissed him, with passion. I went up to his neck and started to lick then suck on it.

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