Chapter 12

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Landon Pov

I can't believe I am kissing Milo again. He looked so helpless when he was telling me his story. I know there is more to the story, but I know he will tell me when he is ready. He looked so vulnerable right then and there that I couldn't help but kiss his soft lips.

I wanted to keep kissing Milo, but we both had to come back for air . When we pulled apart from each other Milo was blushing I couldn't help but laugh. I smiled down on him, caressing his cheeks making him blush even harder.

"You look so cute when you blush like that." I said happily

"T-thank you." he mumbled shly. I couldn't help but stare at Milo, how skinny he is, short about 5'3 I love how he is short and I am tall. When he smiled you can see his dimples, When he felt uncomfortable he would fidget too much. How when-

"Landon, um w-hy are you looking at me like that? Oh yes I love how when he gets nervous around me he would stutter.

"You're really beautiful Milo. I know there is a lot going on, but..." I sign knowing if I continue this might change everything. "You are really changing me. It might not seem like it, but I care for you. I really do. I'm scared of how everything is going to turn out, but as of right now I just want to hold you, until you fall asleep in my arms."

I signed thinking that Milo was going to walk out the room without giving me an answer until I felt his warm lips on mine again.

At first the kiss was small, gentle and very meaningful. But then it grew bigger and more intense. He tasted so teasingly good. I couldn't help to trace my tongue across his bottom lip. He lets out a low moan, which turns me on even more. He wrapped his legs around my waist walking towards the bed.

I did not want to go further than this. I can tell he did not want to either by the way he stopped and looked at me as if waiting for my permission. "Milo I think we should stop."

"Yeah, I think so too."

You sound sleepy, do you want to go to sleep on my bed? I don't mind. He simply nodded at me. I felt kinda hurt. I mean yes I did tell him he can sleep, but I want to hold him. Shit, I sound cheesy. Milo was already sleeping. He looked cute when he sleeps. I put my arms around his waist and kissed his forehead before I drifted off to sleep.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I updated really fast this time lol. I don't have a lot of free time bc of school, but I am trying. I have Midterms coming pretty soon. I need to pass them. 

I am also happy that people are commenting on my stories might not be a lot, but it's enough to make my day.   Stay safe guys❤️                                                                   

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