Author Note

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I want to thank each and everyone of you who took time out of their day to read my story. I really appreciate it. My friend and I started writing this book in 2019 in 8th grade, but I wrote and she edited.

I never once imagined myself writing on Wattpad or getting the readers I am getting now. Even if I did start writing on Wattpad I never thought I was going to start writing an LGBTQ book. My friend (we are going to call her Lily) Lily was the one who put me up to the idea. I told her yes, but as long as I know what I am writing.

Along the process of writing, she got busy and was no longer able to edit, but that was part of the whole deal she had to help me edit the chapters. I started losing the compassion to keep on writing. I really did. The only reason I kept on writing was because I wanted to get it over and done with. (I know it's sad). But I did stop writing for a long period of time because I was busy with school and everything.

It is 2021 now. It took me 2 years to write this book. Am I proud of this book? No, I am not. Do I think this book can be way better than it should? Yes, I do. Will I ever go back and edit everything? No, I will not. Do I regret writing it? Honestly I do not, but I did learn and for my own opinions on the LGBTQ community.

The opinion I have formed over time is that Love is Love. You can love whoever the fuck you want. I, out of all of all people, should not judge anyone for who they like/love. Love is a really important aspect in life that all of us need, even the people who actually don't believe in love.

I, myself, don't see myself writing another LGBTQ book ever again. It was fun while it lasted, but my heart is not pulling me toward writing any more bxb books. I started writing an lgbtq book because my friend wanted me to, but I don't think I will ever write another lgbtq book. 

I am planning on writing this book I've been working on for a while. I can't wait to put it out there on Wattpad. I've been putting a lot of work into it and making sure everything is good/perfect. Like I said before, I can't wait to put it out.

One more thing before I close this off. I think in a few months I will be taking this book down. I am still thinking about it. I am trying to see if I can keep it up, but I really don't want to, but if you ever see this book taken down just know I am sorry. It was never my intention. This book really did drain me somehow. 

This book has grammatical mistakes, but I will not go back and change it. If that was what you guys were wondering. I honestly don't care if you guys comment bad things on it, but please don't comment shitty things and let the other readers enjoy what they are reading. (This book is cringy I WILL NOT GO BACK AND EDIT THINGS TO MAKE IT BETTER) Again, this is my first book I written on Wattpad and I honestly hate it. I can't wait until I start publishing my books that I will actually enjoy writing and not drain me.  re-uploading every chapter I wrote to this date. (THAT IS THE ONLY THING I WILL DO)

Again, thank you everyone who read this far. This has been a ride. I can't wait for you guys to read my other books that I have plans for in the future. Goodbye everyone for now. 



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