Chapter 11

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   Milo POV

I can't fucking believe I told Landon King I like him. I am so dumb, not knowing what the fuck to do. All I could think of was telling it does not matter when in reality I did.

I cared way too much. I dreamed of being with him knowing he is gay and will never feel the same way.

He had a plain shock on his face and a look of disgust. Shit, I knew it. Landon King, the popular guy at my school would never like a nerdy boy who barely has friends. I chuckled to myself.

"Why are you laughing." He said, glaring.

"Because I know deep down I would never be with. You are the Landon King, the one who has so many friends, pretends to be someone they're not to keep up their image. You are the Landon King that can get any girl you want, even guys. Out of all the guys I could've fallen for. I fall for you."

I was out of breath when I said those things to him. I was also sad. All my life I hated how I never liked girls. I tried so badly to just fall for one, but I couldn't. I always find the guys cute. I came out to my parents. My dad abused me. My mom did not stick up for me, but its all my fault for being the "mistake"

"Why are you crying," London asks. I guess someone cares. What am I talking about? I have no one. I quickly wipe my tears, not wanting to seem weak in front of him.

"Look, Landon." I sign, knowing if I keep going I might break down. "I am just going to head home. We can do this another time." I said grabbing my things. Before I go get out the door Landon grab my wrist and pulled me into him

I was too scared to look up at him. I found his floor more interesting.

"Milo, look at me please."

Still not having the courage to look at him he grabbed my chin making me look at him. He looks like he really cares, maybe not the way I want him to, but still.

We stared at each other in silence. It felt like we were staring at each other for hours. Landon signed deeply. His breath fanning against my face. I kept staring at his lips, how full, juicy and plump they looked. I just want to kiss him.

I was so zoomed in on Landon's lips that I did not notice he was leaning way too close to me. Like he was going to kiss me. My heart was beating way too fast for its own good.

"You make me feel things Milo. god, it's so hard to control myself when I am around you."

I was so stunned that those words came out of Landon's mouth. I had no words. I did what I thought was best. I kissed him. I felt free. I felt some what safe. 


Hope you guys enjoyed lol. Until next time. 

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