Chapter 9. The Athletics Meet

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Time skip

The day of the Athletics Meet

Naruto's POV

It's finally the Athletics Meet! I have been really busy for the past week. We had more meetings with Akatsuki for five days in a roll, including weekends. We organize the outfits separated into sizes and genders, we couldn't peek inside. I wonder what kind of outfits did Sai kun and Sasori senpai designed? Also, the trait papers were written by teachers who described every participants in the Dress up run and they scattered around the Konoha sports ground. Tsunade said that the prizes will be announced and given to the winners in the ceremony. Akatsuki told us that The Athletics Meet will be broadcasted in Japan.

At 8:37 a.m.

All the students sat down beside the sports ground while we, The Konoha Boys and Akatsuki were in our positions standing by waiting Tsunade to have her speech.

Camera started rolling, the camera man hold up his thumbs to alert Tsunade. She took a microphone and started speaking.

"Alright! Good morning citizens in Japan! I am Tsunade, Principal of Konoha Academy. Today's The Athletics Meet of Konoha Academy! We have held different types of events and even added a new event to entertain all of you. The new event is called Dress up run. Participants have to change into a costume and find a paper that contains a trait of a person around the sports ground. They need to find the person that fulfills that particular trait and run together to the booth at the finish line. The first one to win the race will win a special prize!"

She then looked at the sea of students. "Saa! Are you guys ready for the first event?"

Cheers and screams from the students echoed through the sports ground and the cheerleadings started their routine.

She turned to motion the two announcers in the announcer room. "Okay! Obito, Shikamaru! Your turn!"

"Hihi! I am Uchiha Obito!" Obito grabbed his microphone excitedly.

"Nara Shikamaru. We are your announcers for today." Shikamaru yawned and used his hand to hold up his head.

"Now, let's start our first event! 100m dash!" Obito raised his hand in the air enthusiastically.

While the two of them started announcing, Sai and I stayed inside the first aid room with Kakashi.

I looked at Sai, sparkles in my eyes, cletching my fists in excitement. "Sai kun! I'm really looking forward to the Dress up run!"

Sai thought awhile holding his chin. "Hmm...I bet you will look great in those costumes!" He looked at me with his usual smiley face.

"Eh? What do you mean?" I tilted my head to the side cutely.

Sai grabbed both of my hands and grinned. "I bet the others will enjoy too!"

I stared at him confused with question marks popping out of my head. Oh well! I'm really curious about the costumes!

"Oi Naru chan! There's someone by the door. He's injured." Kakashi glanced to the entrance of the first aid room.

Me and Sai quickly rushed to him and carry him with his shoulders and made him sat on the bed. He scratched his knee so I grabbed some cotton pads, antiseptic solution and a medium sized bandage.

I kneeled down and started treating his wounds. He winced a bit to the pain. I saw his reaction and gently blow some air to his wound to make him feel better.

"Does this make you feel better?" I lifted my head to look at him in the eyes.

He blushed a bit and nodded.

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