Chapter 1

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Mirio Togata, one of UA's Big 3. The Top student among his peers. He has the kind of personality that made him the top candidate to inherit One for All, All Might's quirk if said Hero every plans to retire. Mirio is what many would say an easy-going person and perhaps an open book to some of his close friends. However, just like everyone else, he too kept some secrets. Secrets that will definitely surprise most people who knew him.


Mirio Togata now resting inside his hospital bed. After rescuing a kid named "Eri" from the Yakuza group named "Shie Hassaikai". The Hero's raid was successful but it came with some heavy price. He now lost his quirk thanks to the quirk destroying bullet that was fired at him. His current mentor was also in critical condition.

Mirio, having nothing to do, simply watch outside his hospital window. He was a bit upset with himself. He blamed his carelessness that allowed the Villain Overhaul to erased his quirk and injured his mentor.

The door to his room opened and shows Shouta Aizawa entering the room.

"Follow me," Aizawa commanded.

He got up and followed the tired-looking hero. Aizawa updated him with the condition of the others that were injured. All expect one.

"How's Sir? How's Sir Nighteye?" he asked.

Aizawa looks at him and continues walking to their destination.

"It's better to see it yourself" Aizawa answered.

As they reach their destination, Mirio saw a few heroes gathered around. He saw Centipeder, Bubble Girl, All Might and Recovery Girl. All of them held a solemn look which means that some bad news is to be heard. Bubble Girl was the one who first to talk but couldn't help herself but started crying.

"I called them. Because they were the one Sir was close to."

Centipeder quickly comforted the crying hero. The doctor in charge then told him the situation with his mentor. Sir Nighteye won't last long. They told him that they did all they could do but even with all of that, they could save him.

He had to do something. He cant let his mentor die. He knows what to do but it was a risk he has to do.

"I can help! I just need someone to call someone to help Sir!" 

Everyone inside the room saw a little hope. However, they don't know anyone who has the ability to help the dying man right now. 

Not waiting for an answer, he asked for anyone to hand him a phone and started calling the help.

'Please answer me! Please!'


Izuku Midoriya, aged 15, saw the news and currently on his way to the hospital to see someone. He was worried and can't help but run to his destination when his phone rang. An unknown number was shown and despite his haste, he answered. 


The voice of Mirio Togata was at the other end of the line. He stopped for a moment to properly here him.

"Mirio?" he asked.

"Please! I need your help! You're the only one who can save Sir! Please!" Mirio begged.

"Tell me where you are. I'll be there as fast as I can and explain to me what happened, please."

Once he had the necessary information, he ran as fast as he can. He hoped that nothing bad happened to Mirio and if something did happen to him, then he prays that Mirio's prepared to face his wrath.


After the call, Mirio relaxed a bit. He's on his way and soon Sir will be alright.

"Young Togata, who were you calling?" All Might asked.

Everyone around the room was looking at him expecting answers.

"Someone who can help Sir Nighteye," he answered.

His answer raises more question which he promises to answer after Nighteye will be healed. The Heroes inside the room were having doubts but seeing the confident look on the young hero, reassured them a little.

Aizawa volunteered to escort the mystery quest since he was curious to see who it will be. They are in a private area in the hospital that only heroes and selected medical staff are allowed to enter. He waited at the lobby near the reception desk. 

Mirio was beside Nighteye's hospital bed. He can clearly see the weak state his mentor was currently having. His mentor was having a hard time moving and breathing. Seeing him like that made his tears ran through his eyes. 

"Mirio" Nighteye softly said.

"Forgive me. You will be fine. You will be a hero finer than everyone else." he continued. 

"Sir! Please hang a bit more! Someone will come to fix you. Just a bit more!" Mirio begged.

All Might who was beside the young hero also couldn't help but shed a few tears for his friend and former sidekick. He prayed that the one the young hero called would come soon to fix his friend.

Through some work of a miracle, both their prayer were answered by the sudden shout.


A teen a bit younger than the crying younger hero entered the room. All eyes were on him as he entered the room. He had some green curly hair, emerald-colored eyes, and somewhat golden freckles around his face. The teen walk towards Mirio with Aizawa closely walking behind him.

"Izu! Please Fix Sir!" begged the young hero as soon as the green-haired teen was beside him. 

Izuku nod and look around him seeing a few heroes closely watching his every move. He then closed his eyes and raised both of his hands toward the dying man on the hospital bed.

The Heroes and the medical staff in the room then saw the green-haired teen started to shine. Emerald light surrounds his hair and hands. The light was captivating but holds a warm and safe feeling.

"Restore what was lost and mend what was broken" chanted the small teen.

Nighteye was slowly engulfed with emerald light and not even more than a minute, the light faded from both Izuku and Nighteye. 

"He's fine now," Izuku said.

Not long after the small teen reassured them, Nighteye opened his eyes and slowly sat up. Everyone except for Mirio was speechless, even Nighteye. They couldn't believe their eyes. Nighteye looks good as new. No visible injury or signs of any complication. However, just to make sure, both the doctor and Recovery Girl examine Nighteye. 

Mirio then hugged and lift Izuku up while the Heroes were watching closely the happy pair. They didn't know what to say. The green-haired teen manages to do what even Recovery Girl and other medical staff weren't able to do. 

"I knew you can do it Izu!" the young hero happily exclaimed. 

Izuku blushed a little while still being lifted up by the young hero but their little happy bubble was soon popped by Recovery Girl.

"Nighteye has been fully healed. No internal or visible injury was found. All his injury and even past injury was fix. It's like he's as good as new."

Once again, all eyes were on the green-haired teen while made him feel uncomfortable and hid behind Mirio. He doesn't like the way all attention was on him. Mirio seeing this, made sure to reassure the teen that he's safe and no one will harm him.

However, Mirio can't help but dread what's to come next. He just wished everything will be fine for the green-haired teen.

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