Chapter 3

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The first one to wake up the next day was Mirio. He then scans the room and found Izuku sleeping soundly on the couch. He can't help but smile at the sleeping teen. Looking at the time, he notices that it was already eight in the morning. He needs to check the other patients from the raid and make sure to thank then for their hard work. It was the right thing for him to do. His thought was cut short when both Recovery Girl and Aizawa entered the room.

The first thing Recovery Girl notice was the bruise on the boy's face. When asked, he just laughed it all and told them it was punishment for being careless. Aizawa then told him that he was clear to leave the hospital since he was all healed up. When he heard that, he inspects his injuries and found nothing but the bruise on his face. He knew who was responsible for his fast recovery but couldn't help once again to appreciate the still sleeping teen.

  He asked if he's allowed to visit Eri but Recovery Girl suggested letting the child rest for the moment. However, he was allowed to visit the other UA students who were in the same hospital as his. He thanked them and proceeds to visit his friends but not before an assurance from Aizawa that he'll watch after Izuku. 

The first one he visited was Tamaki Amajiki. His friend was still asleep and he can visibly see where he was injured. Deciding not to disturb him, he simply thanks the red-haired teen called Kirishima who look like a grumpy mummy for his hard work and left to visit the next patients on his list.  

Nejire Hado was still her energetic self so there was nothing he had to worry about. He thanked her and the other two UA girls who were with her and went to the next of his list.

Izuku woke and found Aizawa inside the room but didn't found any sign of Mirio. He felt uneasy with the hero's stare. He asked where Mirio was and lucky for him the hero gave him an answer. They were soon joined by Recovery Girl who seems want to ask him something.

"If you don't mind, will you be willing to help me heal a few patients?"  

Izuku thought for a moment and agreed to help her. He had nothing else to do and Mirio was busy visiting his other friends at the moment. He can trust her and perhaps he'll bump into the taller teen on the way.


All Might was visiting his former sidekick to see him before he'll be discharged later in the day. There were a few things he was curious about. One was the condition of his students, two were the child who was rescued and last was young Togata's friend. His quirk was impressive and not to mention powerful in his option. He wanted to learn more about the one called Izuku Midoriya.

All Might, now inside Nighteye's room, saw the hero talking to the two other heroes from the same agency. He was glad nobody died during the raid but as always, the former sidekick was now busy with Hero work again. When they saw All Might, the two sidekicks greeting him and he greeted back.

"How are you feeling?" he asked Nighteye.

"Everything's in order and I can resume with my work once I can leave this place. If your wondering, the two of them are here to gave me to report what happened after the mission."

"Knowing you, you'll dive back to hero work as soon as you can. You're going to interrogate young Togata about his friend who healed you am I right?" All Might asked.

"I used my quirk on Mirio Togata a few times now but I never once saw him on any of those visions. There is something that makes me uneasy about that kid." Nighteye answered.

"I'm sorry about that. That's probably because of my quirk."

They were surprised to see and hear from Izuku whos entered the room with Recovery Girl.

"The same kind happened to one of my bullies from when I was little. He has a tracking quick and he always yells at me when he couldn't find me with his quirk.  " Izuku continues.

Izuku knows the heroes would be curious about his quirk and in order not to trouble Mirio, he will just give them enough information to lessen their hunger to know.

"I know you have questions and I know why you are feeling uneasy Nighteye. You rely on your quirk to be prepared for anything and when an unknown variable enters your field of vision, you become uneasy. You might become desperate to solve the unknown which I suggest you won't do since we weren't aware that such quirk existed and it would be a rude way to thank someone who saved you from dying. " All Might suggest.

Nighteye was quiet since what All Might said was accurate. He doesn't have anything to say. His mind was stuck and he can't think of any factual explanation. He would just ask Togata for more information. He looked at Izuku who looked uncomfortable and simply thank him for saving his life. The room was quiet after that but Izuku got the courage to asked them what was on his mind since last night.

"Um, what's going to happen to Mirio after this?"

The Heroes were confused at what he meant and decided to explain himself in order for them to understand.

"When I first saw Mirio yesterday, I had a feeling something was wrong with him. After I healed Sir Nighteye and we were on our way back to Mirio's hospital room, I finally understood what was wrong. I didn't sense his quirk. It was like it was gone or something. When I asked him about it he didn't tell me what happened. I just want to know what's gonna happened to him since he's training to be a hero."

The tension of the room grew a bit heavy after Izuku talked. Half of the heroes in the room don't know what to tell the worried teen and the other half told Izuku what happened during the raid mission. Recovery Girl told him what happened to Mirio and the other injured patients while All Might told the teen about the raid and its objective. Izuku was more worried by the end of all the explanations. He was also worried about himself. He wasn't sure what's going to happened to him now that he may or may not be involved himself in danger. 

"I'm sure we will come up with something to help young Togata." All Might reassured.

Aizawa entered the room not long after that. He looked at Izuku and to the others inside the room. He said something that made Izuku nervous and a bit scared.

"Nezu wants to meet Izuku Midoriya."  

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