Chapter 4

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Mirio Togata was surprised when he returned to his room after visiting the other injured patients to find Izuku not inside. At first, he was worry but Aizawa reassured him that he would watch over Izuku. Perhaps they just went somewhere to talk or perhaps they were needed somewhere. Knowing Izuku's quirk, the heroes probably needed him to help heal the few that had a serious injury. Mirio decided that he will just have to wait for Izuku to return.

Izuku was not ready for any of this. It was not every day that the one managing the famous Hero school of the country wants to meet somebody. He was not comfortable with his situation right now. If anything, he would rather go to the safety of his home. He wonders if he can just avoid doing anything that was hero related. He loves heroes and he even wrote a few noted regarding them but this was not what he was expected when he meets some of the famous heroes. For him, it was like one after another, heroes have something they want with him.

"Um, I'm not comfortable doing anything right now. I'm not used to this level of stress and it feels like I'm going to be put on something that I'm not comfortable doing." Izuku nervously said.

Some of the heroes were surprised by what the teen said while Recovery Girl completely understands. The curiosity of the heroes was putting some pressure on a 15-year-old teen. Feeling sorry for the teen, she decided to let him go back to Togata's room to calm him down. Izuku thank her and left the room. Once the teen was no longer within earshot, she then began to lecture the clueless heroes of what they did.

"What do you think you're all doing!? He's a teenager and you're acting as if he's an adult. You're attacking him with all of these questions and pressure that made him uncomfortable. You all are forgetting that all he came here for was to check on a friend and did what that friend requested from him and nothing more. We have no right to force him to do anything we want."

"We need information and a quirk like that is powerful and useful for us," Nighteye argued.

"Since when was it our job to stalk and force an innocent individual to do anything just because they have a quirk we want?" Recovery Girl argued back.

All Might was the one that handles the argument. The elder was right. It did seem they put an unwelcome obligation on the teen. Once All Might explained to the others what they did, they promised not to do anything that should not have to be done like that again. They will just let Izuku go back to what he was comfortable doing. Aizawa will also let Nezu know that a meeting with the teen is impossible at the moment. 

When Izuku returns to Mirio's room, the older teen was already dressed normally and seems to be waiting for him. Mirio greeting him and told the younger teen that while he was gone, he was told that he was allowed to leave anytime. Izuku was happy for his friend and soon they both made their way out of the hospital. 

The two stop by to a near fast food restaurant for lunch. Mirio was happy to tell Izuku about what he experienced during the raid while they ate. Izuku even told Mirio what happened when he left the hospital room and around the heroes. Mirio felt guilty about what the younger teen experience and did his best to reassure and cheer him up.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to Izuku. I'm sure they were just stressed out because of the mission"

After talking some more, they decided to go home. Mirio escorted Izuku to his apartment and he then went back to the UA dorms.


(The Next Day)

Mirio was called down to Nezu's office after the homeroom period. He knocks at the door and entered when he heard a 'come in' then greeted the principal and took a seat.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here but rest assured, you don't have anything to worry about. I heard what happened and I apologize to the result of the mission. We will try to do our best to find a solution to get your quirk back and you'll still be attending your usual class. I was also amazed to discover that you know someone who was able to help Nighteye with his situation. I was wondering if you'll be able to tell me more about Izuku Midoriya. He seems to be an interesting and outstanding person." 

Mirio was not sure what Nezu want with Izuku. He recalls how uncomfortable his friend was when he was suddenly thrown to a lot of situations yesterday and he was still feeling a bit guilty about what happened. 

"Why do you want to know more about my friend?" He asked Nezu.

"When I heard about him, I did a little research of my own. From his school records, he seems to be top of his entire year and often volunteered at any nearby hospitals and shelters. There were also quite a few admirers and fans of him. I was wondering if it was possible for him to transfer here and attend the Hero course. He would be quite an amazing hero if he wants to be." Nezu answered.

"Izuku said that he normally can't do what we do in the Hero course. He can't spar or do any combat training since his quirk will activate at the moment of danger. Even I can't get through him when I used my quirk. That's why he's attending a regular school without a hero course on it. He tends to avoid danger since he tends to attract it for some reason." 

Nezu listens and made note of the information about Izuku. The more Nezu listens, the more his interested in Izuku. Nezu cant passed a student like Izuku Midoriya.

"Is there any way to convince or encourage Mr.Midoriya to attend here?" Nezu asked Mirio.

Mirio didn't know how to answer that. Something inside him feels like he's about to make a mistake if he's not careful. He thought about the possible outcome if Izuku was in the same school as him. They might see and hang out more than before. He might be able to have some time with Izuku after school. However, there was also some disadvantage he might encounter. Izuku might hate him having any part that may force him to attend here. He was also worried about Izuku gaining more admirers or fans. He always notices it when they hang out sometimes. Izuku would encounter a fan or two every time and he won't admit it but it bothers him every time someone would look at Izuku with admiration every time he was around to see it. 

Mirio continues to thought about it and when he found his answer he stood up, bow down, and apologizes to Nezu.

"I'm sorry Nezu sir but I don't want to force Izuku to do anything he's not comfortable with or having any part of any plan to do so. I know he's amazing and one of the kindest people I meet but he already likes the life he lives. Please, I hope you may consider what I said. " 

Nezu chuckled and told Togata not to worry about anything. When Togata left and went back to class, Nezu thought about another approach with his plans regarding Izuku Midoriya. Nezu needs to be careful since he heard a rumor that some of the teen's admirers can be extreme and from what he observed today, Mirio Togata seems to be one of the teen's admirers. 

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