Chapter 9 : Monster

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Yoongi wasn't sleep, no

he was wide awake and afraid. Yoongi couldn't even sleep alone, it always creeped him out to sleep alone - now add that he was sleeping in a strangers house didn't have Mr Gloss ( his teddy bear ) with him, that just made him even more terrified.

Yoongi would always sleep in fear. There were many times where he would have a comfortable night, sleeping next to his father, but there were also days where his father was out at work and he had to sleep alone.

Yoongi's father didn't want to leave Yoongi alone in their new house, he was still a little weary about everything.

Yoongi didn't like that he had to sleep in a strangers house. Even if the stranger was nice, he didn't know her well enough.

Maybe I should ask her to tuck me in? Would she tuck me in? Maybe not...I'm not her child so she might not tuck me in.

Yoongi quickly hid his head underneath the blanket. It was dark. Even with the bedroom light on, it was still dark. Yoongi curled up and made sure his body wasn't out of the blanket - no one could take him if he was in the blanket!

"It's ok, n-no- no ones cwoming to take ywo away," Yoongi quietly whispered to himself. He wanted to convince himself to not be afraid but that was hard for him.

Yoongi's eyes were now tearing up, his imagination fooling him to believe that a monster was going to kidnap him. He was shaking badly under his blankets, his face was all wet with all the tears falling. It was hard to breathe under the thick blankets. He bit his lip to stop himself from making any noise but a few whimpers let his mouth occasionally.



"What was that?" You whispered to yourself as you sat up straight. You thought you heard a scream, no, you must've heard a scream-

"Yoongi," As you whispered his name, your brain finally knew who screamed and your eyes widened. You chucked your phone onto the floor and quickly ran out of your room to where Yoongi was sleeping.

You held the door handle before remembering that you shouldn't suddenly enter as he'd be even more scared - you knew this because of experience.

Instead, you knocked softly on the door and softly, but loudly, asked, "Yoongi? Can I come in?" You waited for a response but you heard nothing.

Fuck it, I'm going in

Opening the door quietly, you carefully stepped into the room and closed the door behind you.

"Yoongi?" You asked. Your heart broke when you heard whimpers coming from the boy under the blankets. "Hey, oh. Let me just- ok, I'm here Yoongi. Are you alright?"

You sat on the bed, making sure not to sit on Yoongi who was bundled up in the blankets. You slowly removed the thick blanket off of Yoongi and saw the shivering boy covered with tears all over his face.

Did you hear that? That was your heart fucking breaking.

"Oh, Yoongi! Come here." You picked Yoongi up, he was as light as a feather.

"Don't cry, darling. Don't worry, I'm here. I'm here to protect you." Yoongi clung to your jumper. You sat Yoongi onto your lap properly and soothed him with sweet words and playing with his hair tenderly.

"Let me wipe your tears." You took some tissues from the tissue box next to you and wiped his tears. Yoongi sniffled and kept holding onto your jumper.

"You feeling better now?" A tender smile lifted onto your lips. Yoongi sniffled and looked up to you slowly. His big eyes broke your heart again.

"mmm yeah." Yoongi mumbled. You nodded your head and continued to play with his hair.

"Yoongi, can you take deep breaths for me? Copy me, ok?" And you started taking deep breathes, Yoongi copying you. You felt his heart clam down. You sighed in relief before hugging him loosely.

"Why did you scream? Nightmare?" Yoongi shook his head, staring at his hand that now clung to your arms.

"Couldn't sleep. Mon-Monster cwoul-" Yoongi looked down, his tears starting to resurface. You nodded your head understandingly. You didn't really know how to help him, after all, you were still young and didn't even know how to take care of yourself most of the time. Though, you did figure out what Yoongi was saying, it was what Namjoon and Hoseok always had been weary about but now they can sleep without any trouble.

"As long as I'm here, no one can get you. Now, do you want to sleep with me and the boys? There's enough space." Yoongi instantly nodded his head and you quickly held him properly as you stood up and walked out of the room, turning the lights off behind you.

You closed the door and swiftly walked to your bedroom. You closed your bedroom door and placed Yoongi on the bed. Yoongi didn't waste any time plopping his head onto the pillow and covering himself with the blanket. You smiled warmly.

"Sleep nwext to me. Please. Protect me." Yoongi tiredly whispered. Your heart was now officially back together and you slid under the blankets, resting your head on the soft pillow. You were glad that you bought a large Queen sized bed that nearly took up your whole room. I knew it was a good idea!

You felt a tap on your cheek. "Hmm?" You kept your eyes closed. Yoongi, on the other hand, was staring at you with his big eyes, still sleepy.

"What was the loud 'bang' noice?" He whispered delicately. A small smile rested on your lips.

"It was just thunder."

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