Chapter 16 (Please be ok)

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*Lunas POV*
I woke up with a pounding headache. So I got up and took an advil. My dream was amazing. My brother was alive he was just in a coma and he he had just woken up. We had such a blast running around town. Egging houses. Ding dong ditching people. It was amazing. I feel arms wrap around  my neck. I turn around and I' greeted by Jack. I kiss him and my phone rings I answer it. "Hello!" I say in a happy voice. "Can I come over?" My older sister cries. "Alisha what's wrong." I say as my face drops. Jack shoots a concerd look. "Please I'll bring him!" She cries. "Just come here" I say getting  ones concerned. She hangs up and I hug jack again. "I need to get dressed." I say running up the stairs. I close my door and put on:

I go downstairs and I hear a knock

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I go downstairs and I hear a knock. I open the door and I see Alisha. My face drops when I see My Older brother. Living breathing standing!? "M-Matthew." I say starting to tear up. He hugs me. "I was in a coma I just woke up my dear sister." He says. I pull out of the hug. "You okay?" He asks. "Wanna go run around then Egg houses then dingdong ditch people?" I question with an evil smile. They all look at me. "YES!!" They all say at the same exact time. Jack gets ready and comes downstairs. Me and Jack grab our skateboards and we grab 2 extras for Matthew and Alisha. We skateboard to a park and we skateboard. Matthew fell on his ass 15 times. We go to the store and buy a bunch of eggs and toliet paper. We go to the first house and I throw the fist egg. We hear the nob turn and we run away. "BASTRADS!!" We hear an old man scream. We all laugh we toliet paper and egg 20 other houses. Then we start dingdong ditching. We start at Corbyns house. He was being a smart ass and was at the door. We hit the doorbell and go to run away. "Doing it without me. No fun!" He says. I turn around. "Well what's your slow ass doing let's go!" I say walking away with the others. Corbyn catches up to us. We run to Daniel's. I hit the doorbell and run away. "SAW THE PONYTAIL BITCH!" He says running after me. "AHH!" I Scream and fall into Jack's arms. We all laugh. We decide to get the others and we continue with this fun day. When I said dreams come true. I didnt actually mean it. I'm not complaining cause I have my brother back. My funny, loving, caring, sweet, beautiful brother back. Hes one of the reasons why my smile is so big. I decided to forgive my sister Alisha because she was selfless and brought my big brother to me. I welcomed them to my family and I'm so happy I did. "Matthew remember when you told me to be careful on the stairs and then you fell face first down them!" I scream in laughter. "Omfg Yessss!" He laughs. "Luna remember when I asked if you could get me acrylic nails!?" Daniel's laughs out. "OMG YEAH!!" I scream out. "Alisha remember when me and you were in the cafeteria and you stood up  on the table and screamed 'IM THE QUEEN BITCHES' and then fell off the table!?" I scream of laughter. "YES!" She laughs. We were sitting in Jack's backyard infornt of a fire. We were all laughing and bringing up old stories. We all were having a blast. "Let's go to the beach!" I scream. We all get up and walk to the beach and we swim around in the freezing lake. It was 1:30 in the morning when we finally decide to go home. We showed everyone where they could sleep for the night. But the night wasn't over. We decided to party. "PASS THE BEER BITCHES!!" I scream grabbing 5 bottles of beer and chugging them. "WOOOOOO!!" I scream. Thank fuck Kristen and Isla went out tonight. I forgot I had a baby. "FUCK!!" I scream sitting down. "What?" Jack asks. "I have a baby!" I slurr. "OH SHIT!" He screams. The baby was most likely already dead from all the alcohol I had the night before and from what I just drank. We called to make sure it was still alive. I didnt have to second guess if was alive. I was spotting so I knew the baby was already dead. I didnt stop the drinking cause I knew I killed the baby. I wanted to get my mind off shit so I kept drinking and drinking. Jack hadn't had much. But I was and my 30th drink I could barely walk. Fuck I could barely see. "iM a FuCkInG qUeEn!" I slurr. "You've had enough!" Jack yells. I grab another bottle. "nO yOu DoNt UnDeRsTaNd I kIlLeD oUr ChIlD!" I slurr chugging the bottle. He grabs me and takes me upstairs. I could tell I was going to have one of the worst hangovers ever. I'm graduating this year. My birthday is tomorrow. Theres gonna be more drinking I can just tell. I dont like celebrating my birthday because every birthday I've had has been ruined. Jack takes me to my room and lays me down. He goes to his room and changes. He comes back and lays beside me. I hear mumbled voices and I fall asleep. Jack cuddles into my side and he drifts off into a sleep of his own. I knew that he knew it was my birthday so of course theres gonna babe a huge celebration. And if he doesnt remember. Alisha will and there will still be a huge party thrown for me. Fuck the invations were probably sent out this morning. My sister and Jack dont play around when parties are being thrown. Especially for there family. Gosh tomorrow is gonna be fun and I know it.

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