200 Reader's Milestone! (Yay!)

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Hey! AT here! Just wanted to thank you all for the 200 reads! Honestly, when I started, I didn't think this was gonna garner a lot of reads (For all I know, since this thing has 9 parts, it's possible that only 19-20 people who actually read it TwT). Jokes aside, I'm thankful that most of you actually care about the story (Prolly not, Lmao). As a thank you, I'm gonna answer me self some Q and A questions! (Supplied by me, of course, since no one has actually commented yet ('_'))

Q: How long is this shat gonna take me to read?

A: Prolly a long time. Since I plan on consuming the entire chapter limits of a book here on wattpad, I guess you'll be waiting preetty long.

Q: Does the girl have a definite name?

A: Yes, but I ain't ready to reveal it. For now, we either just call her Reaper or the girl.

Q: What is the definite plot? I have little idea of what's happening!

A: This novel is a retelling of the ongoing life seen through the eyes of an unseen narrator and through the eyes of a girl with very little backstory. As in life, I mean that things can happen for little to no reason.

Q: Ice Cream?

A: Ice Cream!

Q: Any significant numbers we should know about?

A: 77

Q: Will this story have seriously convoluted plot lines?

A: Pretty much. A broad imagination is recommended if you wish to understand most of what happens in the Reaperverse. Or you can read the guidebook like the confused person you are.

Q: If I comment, will you read and reply?

A: Definitely! All feedback, good and bad, will be responded to! Your feedback is as valuable to me as it is to the book!

Q: Any ships I should be aware of?

A: Ngeh

Q: Who's the bad guy here? 

A: It really depends. As the story progresses in the future, I think that the line drawn between the protagonists and the antagonists will become very thin, eventually infinity-snapping away. The point is, I think that there is no clear antagonist, as everyone (Yes, even Mr. Heavily Damaged Robot) has their own views of the world.

Q: Random question. Is Igneus a dude? (idk)

A: He's both a dude and a girl. (See, the endoskeletons of the 'bots are genderless, but the suit they wear determine their gender. Plus, I have a lot in store for him.)

Anyway, I guess that fills up the quota of the Q and A sesh for a 200 reader milestone. As always, smash that vote button, leave a comment, follow if you wanna read more and keep enjoying the tales of the Reaperverse!

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