Chapter Three

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Phoebe went back to her house and took off her clothes, putted on her pajamas and began reading the book. She found Hazel Grace, the character, brilliant. Helen was right, Phoebe was really similar to Hazel, not physically, but in their personalities. Hazel had cancer which prevented her from making friends and living like a real teenager, and Phoebe had conditions that also kept her from making friends. And they shared their depression.

Phoebe was reading in her bed, and when she finishes a page, Felix turns it for her. Her mother knocked on the door and then came in "Hey sweetie, do you need anything?"
Phoebe answered without taking her eyes from the book "No, Mum. I'm reading , thank you."

"That's a really beautiful book." Her Mum said after she noticed the cover. "Anyway, did you make any friends in the mall today?"
"If you count the woman who works in the bookstore, then yes."

"No, I mean friends your age."

"No, I didn't."

Her mum sighed and got walked to her, putted a hand on Phoebe's shoulder and said: "You need to make friends, Phoebe. This is not how you're supposed to live your teenage years."

Finally, she took her eyes off the book and said with pain in her voice:" Do you think I like this? Feeling lonely everyday? Watching other kids going out and laughing with their friends while all I have as a company is a book and some songs? No, I obviously don't like this, and I have to deal with it on my freaking own." Tears began filling her eyes. "And this is all because of you and Dad, you never understood me. You took me to a doctor while all I ever needed is a little tenderness, a hug that would make me feel better. But instead, all I get is going to a freaking doctor who kept asking me questions and gave me useless advices. I've been going there for several years, it's like torture to me, but you wouldn't understand. It sucks, mum. And no one understands me. You had a perfect adolescence, you had friends and you went out and had fun. You can't possibly understand me."

Her mother was astonished and couldn't speak a word, she just started crying. She reached to touch Phoebe"Phoebe, I.." But Phoebe stopped her. "No. Please, just leave me alone." Her mum, holding back her tears, got up and walked to the door and said: "Goodnight, I'm sorry." And closed the door.

Phoebe lay on her bed, turned on her side, and started sobbing, thinking about how much her life sucked. Thinking how it would be awesome if she had a normal life. Thinking about death. And then she felt Felix pulling on her ponytail, she opened her eyes and said: "What?" her eyes were puffy and her vision was blurred but she saw something floating in front of her. She rubbed her eyes so she can see better and found herself looking at The Fault in our stars book, and then Felix opened the book in thin air and she noticed the first sentence of the page; '"That's the thing about pain" Augustus said, and then glanced back at me. "It demands to be felt."'

She woke up the next day early with puffy eyes, she washed her face, ate breakfast and dressed up. Her parents were still sleeping so she left a note on the fridge: "I'm going to the library, I'll be back by noon." And she left.

She did not find Mrs. Helen, instead she found a young boy, probably the same age as her, taller than her by almost 2 inches. He had a not too long black hair and he was wearing a button up blue shirt and he rolled his sleeves up to his elbow, which Phoebe thought that it was pretty hot, with black jeans and black shoes.

She checked some books and she sniffed some of them while nobody's looking because book's smell was like a drug for her. She got bored so she went to the counter to ask about Mrs. Helen.


The boy was busy writing on a piece of paper but when he heard her voice he glanced up and said with a wide smile: "Hello, do you want me to help you with something?" Phoebe noticed his hazel eyes. "Yes. Actually, I wanted to ask about Mrs. Helen? She's usually the one in the counter.."

"Oh, that Mrs. Helen is my mother." He said with a grin." She have some business to do so she told me to keep the library working until she comes back."

"Oh okay, I wanted to tell her that I started reading the book she gave me."

"What is its name?" Asked the guy.
"The fault in our stars." Answered him while holding up the book to show it to him.
"The marks humans leave are too often scars. " He answered directly.

"I see you have read it." Said Phoebe with a smile.

"My favourite. John Green is a brilliant author."

"I'm halfway through it, I'm loving it so much.

"Well, you need to finish it soon because If we start talking about it, I will never shut up and I will spoil it for you."

Phoebe laughed and said: "No, please. No spoilers."

"Alrighty then. What is your name, mysterious girl who's reading my favourite book?"

"I'm Phoebe."

"Nice name, I like it. I'm Derek." He held up his hand and Phoebe shook it. "Nice to meet you, Phoebe."

"The feeling is mutual, Derek." She smiled and then told him. "I need to go now, say hi to Mrs. Helen, please."

"Will do."

"See you soon, Derek."

"Bye, Phoebe."

She turned around and started walking when he called her name, she turned her head to him and said:" yes?"

"I saw you sniffing the books earlier."

"oh great, he saw me. Now he thinks I'm crazy." Phoebe told herself. Before she could say something, he finished his sentence.

"It's either you have a book fetish or you are weird, and either way, I think it's hot."

A smile spread across Phoebe's face and she said:" Let's say, I'm both, weird and I have a book fetish."

"Then you're double hot." He answered with grin.

"See you soon, Derek." She said with a wide smile and waved to him then she walked away, thinking to herself: "If you only knew how weird I am compared to other people.."

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