The cost of happiness seems so high, that each of us are running after, with sleepless eyes
Sometimes we giggle, sometimes we smile, sometimes we laugh
But what's happiness with no contentment?
A happiness with no contentment is a sky with no moon..
We run, we chase,
We strive, we struggle but for what?
We never know until we really take time to look ,
The time to look through
A house, a car, a trip and all the luxuries of the world, can never buy happiness
Sure it can buy giggles, smile and laugh for a moment, a minute or a day
But The Happiness,
The feeling of contentment lies inside you.
Find your happiness is in you, not in anyone or anything
But You.
RA's Poetry
PoetryEvery word has a meaning, every words has a cause. A word from me can heal your heart or tear it apart. I choose wise, wishing you do the same.